[net.social] Why no Polygamy

dms@ihlpg.UUCP (Spang) (08/08/86)

> I think that marriage laws are in a sence regulating the possible status
> of individuals concerning taxes and benefits.  Allowing polygamy would
> throw IRS, employer benefit offices and welfare administration
> into a tailspin.  (For this reason Mormons were banished: people
> did not have IRS, etc., and they knew how difficult it would be
> to create those institutions would polygamy be allowed.  One of
> the cases when progress was made possible by religious intolerance.)
> Piotr Berman

This occurred to me when this subject first came up: All
societies have a form of incest taboo. If there are a lot
of wives to one husband that would increase the number of children
who were at least half brothers or sisters. In smaller villages or
settlements that decreases the eligible mates for the next generation.
Our society views any relation as close as cousin as ineligible for
mating. That would eliminate a lot of potential mates in a polygamous or
polyandrous society if the population is scattered over a large area
and transportation is treacherous.