[net.sport.football] Tampa Bay

sab@houca.UUCP (12/16/83)

There is at least one other professional team in the US of A,
besides Tampa Bay, not named for a city, state, or providence.
The New England Patriots. Too obvious, huh?


pector@ihuxw.UUCP (12/16/83)


I guess I meant the Tampa Bay teams are the only ones named after a body
of water.  You're right about the New England Patriots.

However, I said teams were named (that is, the area they come from, which
is the first part of their names, i.e., SEATTLE Seahawks, etc.) after
their city, state, or province, NOT Providence.  The only exceptions
to not being named after Providence, I guess, would be Oral Roberts U.
and Brigham Young U. (Hee-hee!).

							Scott Pector

rkp@drufl.UUCP (12/16/83)

What is this? Net.sport.football or net.geography?

kaufman@uiuccsb.UUCP (12/18/83)

uiuccsb!kaufman    Dec 17 08:54:00 1983

If you want to be technical, the Giants and the Jets (soon) are named after a
NEARBY city/state/(province) - they're not the East Rutherford Giants or the
New Jersey (Exit 17?) Jets.  Then again, the league would have a lot more
interesting names with the Orchard Park Bills, Irving Cowboys, Pontiac Lions,
Anaheim Rams, Somewhere in Wisconsin Packers, etc.  Of course last year, with
the Raiders playing in Los Angeles and practicing in Oakland, it's a wonder
they didn't promote themselves as California's Team (at least).

                                 Ken (waiting for jazz to come to Utah) Kaufman

kaufman@uiuccsb.UUCP (12/18/83)

uiuccsb!kaufman    Dec 17 10:31:00 1983

The typo could have been intentional.  After all, if the Patriots were named
after the city they're closet to, they would indeed be named after a city,
state, or Providence!  (actually: city and Providence)

pector@ihuxw.UUCP (Scott W. Pector) (12/19/83)

This is net.sport.football, but remember that the NFL tells you that 
Atlanta and New Orleans belong in the Western Division of the NFC,
and that St. Louis belongs in the Eastern Division, and that Tampa Bay
belongs in the Central Division.  Maybe they need to be in net.geography!

								Scott Pector