[net.sport.football] NFL Forum #9

ekblaw@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (11/07/85)

Inkspots on America:  Dark Days in Dallas

	For many years, the Dallas Cowboys have been called 'America's Team'.
They were the "good ole boys" of the National Football League.  Players who
didn't play to beat up the other team, but people who won by skill and sheer
determination.  Led by All-Pro Quarterback Roger Staubach, the Dallas Cowboys
offense was innovative and successful.  The defense outsmarted opponents, not
overpowered them.  This was the true spirit of American culture.  
	Unfortunately, as America has had its ups and downs, so too has the
group hailed as America's Team.  Many of the charismatic members of the famous
team have retired, and those who have replaced them are not the peaceful
innovators of our time.  Too, the innovation is waning.  The Dallas offense
has been guilty of complatency during the last couple of years.  The defense,
though still powerful, has holes in it.  The Dallas francise as a whole has
seen dark hours as well.  Player dissentions during the strike year, disputes
among players about "big stars" not keeping their minds on the game, and a
team disunified on the decision of a starting quarterback.  This has been a
team without a leader, a force with no direction.  Is America's Team no longer?
	I don't think so.  True, they have had their share of problems over the
last few years.  The recent point-fixing controversy has not helped their
image much, either.  But to say that they are devastated; destroyed with no
hope of recapturing their mass appeal and glory?  Not so!
	Last year, though a tough year for the Cowboys, taught them something.
Everybody involved decided that it was time to shape up and work out the
difficulties.  The quarterback controversy was settled, and team meetings were
arranged so that the players could discuss matters, both with the coaches and
their fellow players.  This unique "group therapy" approach may be unusual 
for a football team to use, but I think it may have worked.  Dallas has been
playing very well this season, once again attaining first place in the NFC
East Division.  Though it may take a few more years, I think that those who
were called "America's Team" is on the road to recovering their lost glory
and, perhaps, their lost distinction.
	After all, we must remember the tremendous feat that this team achieved.For over a decade this team had made it into the NFC Playoffs at the end of
the season, either as a wildcard or the division champion.  They have had over
fifteen years of consecutive winning seasons.  This statistic, though amazing
among itself, is even more impressive when one remembers that this team is
only twenty-six years old!  They have had more winning seasons than losing,
and that is a tremendous feat in a league as fiercely competitive as the
National Football League.  Even more impressive is the fact that this record
has been achieved by just one man!  This football team is the ONLY team in the
NFL to have had only one career head coach -- Tom Landry.  Despite all the
changes that the NFl has undergone, their coach has been able to compensate
for them; sometimes predicting them!  This is truly a team to respect, and
I think Dallas has been reminded of that.  I can think of none other which
more deserves the highly-respected status of "America's Team."

Next week, a view of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  They may be winless, but
they have never given up trying.