pannell@dosadi.DEC (Roger D. Pannell 229-6893) (11/06/85)
>The Big Ten last won the Rose Bowl in the mid seventies (I don't remember the >exact year), so it hasn't been all that long. Too, despite the last few >years of a consecutive Pac 10 streak, the Big Ten still leads in career >victories in the Rose Bowl. The Pittsburgh Steelers still lead in Super Bowl victories, does that mean they play in the best division?? The Yankees have won more world series, is the American League a better league?? Muhammed Ali used to be the heavyweight champion of the world, is he the best boxer?? Paul Anderson lifted more weight than any other human, is he the strongest man in the world?? If these teams/individuals participated in the Big 10 conference, then those facts might have some significance to Big 10 fans, but to anybody else it wouldn't. >Too, the records of the Pac 10 rep in the Rose Bowl has been worse than the >record of the Big Ten rep for the last five years! Of course if the Pac 10 rep played Big 10 opponents throughout the season then the Pac 10 rep would have the better record. >The Big Ten team goes in expecting it to be easy, and it hasn't been. Once >reason is hhome field advantage. For the last five years, the Pac 10 rep in >the Rose Bowl has been USC or UCLA, both really close to the Rose Bowl site. Are you sure about that? I thought Washington kicked Michigan's butt a couple of years ago. >Robert A. Ekblaw The rest of Roberts message was pure sour grapes, too ridiculous to even respond to. -- Roger Pannell ARPA: pannell%dosadi.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA, pannell%dosadi.DEC@Purdue-Merlin.ARPA UUCP: {allegra, decvax, ucbvax}!decwrl!rhea!dosadi!pannell
ekblaw@uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU (11/08/85)
Correction, it was the other way around. Washingotn LOST to Michigan in 1980. This fact lowers the number of consecutive Pac 10 victories from 8-9, as I thought before, to only 5. Doesn't look so good now, doesn't it? Robert A. Ekblaw P.S. To those believing the Pac 10 records worse than Big 10 reps due to a more balanced conference, that's wrong. I was going by out-of-conference games, not in-conference. In-conference it is fairly even, with the Pac 10 edging out in total in the last five years. Both conferences are fairly evenly matched internally, due to the teams playing each other for so many years. RAE
cwd@cuae2.UUCP (Chris Donahue) (11/11/85)
OK. Let's get it straight. On Jan. 1, 1981, Michigan beat Washington 23-6. It was not 1980 nor 1982. It was 1981! Chris Donahue AT&T Info. Sys. Application Engineering Go Boilers! Beat Iowa!