[net.sport.football] Raiders/Sullivan

jmccollum@latour.DEC (01/14/86)

Gee, I thought  for a while  I get  away with my  Raiders comments  without
reply. I was beginning to wonder  what happened to the Raiders fans.  Would
they let all this go by without comment?

> >up to their reputation. They couldn't beat the Patriots on their own  field
> >so Matt Millen decided to  beat up on New  England GM Pat Sullivan.   Howie
> >Long (quickly losing his popularity in his home state of Massachusetts) had
> >called Sullivan a "wimp", "spineless", and  a "classless slob". But it  was
> Please read the comments below.  I believe that Long's comments were
> justified.  This "gentleman" stands on the sidelines where he faces no
> consequences for his actions.  It got so bad during the game, that his
> own players moved him from the end of the bench to the middle in order to
> calm him down and keep him from being killed.  It really takes a lot of
> class and courage to taunt opposing players from the safety of your own
> sideline when you don't have to take the field against them.  By the way,
> to finish out Howie's statements we should not forget the following:
> 	"He's 32 or 33 going on 12"

"Classless", "going on 12", maybe. But I don't think any "spinless"  "wimp"
I know would grab Howie Long after his team had lost a playoff game at home
and try to pick a fight with  him.  Having had a chance to further  reflect
on this  incident, I  will  retract some  of  my previous  statements.  Pat
Sullivan is somewhat  of a  jerk.  Actually, he  always has  been. But  his
tirade against Long was brought on by Howie himself. Before the game he had
made some comments that were extremely  degrading to not only Sullivan  but
the Patriots  as well.  I  still maintain  that  the Raiders  are  original
classless act  in the  NFL.  It  is  too bad  that Sullivan  couldn't  show
himself to be  above the  kind of  antics that  Al Davis'  teams have  made
standard practice.  It did taint the victory.
> 	5. Matt Millen saw someone, not in uniform obviously, grabbing at one
> 	   of his fellow players.  He took exception to this and hit him.

Does Howie Long need Millan's help  to defend himself against someone  like
Sullivan? Despite Sullivan's  stupidity, Millan's actions  were not  called
> >"classless", it is now and always  has been the Oakland/LA Radiers.   Great
> >win! The Patriots and their fans deserve it.
> See above for another definition of classless.

I'll agree  now  after  seeing  film  and  reading  stories  that  Sullivan
qualifies as classless. Fortunately this does not extend to the rest of the
organization. I don't think this can be said for Al Davis. Maybe I just see
the bad in  the Raiders.  Then again, maybe  Pats owner  Billy Sullivan  is
right when he says that the attitude of the team reflects the character  of
the man on top.

> I am rooting for the Pats on Sunday and in the Super Bowl.  You are right
> that they are a very talented team who certainly deserve a shot.  The way
> they played on Sunday they certainly deserve it.

And the way they played against Miami.  I felt that the Patriots would  win
this game and they  didn't let me  down. Miami is one  of the best  coached
teams in the league,  but their shortcomings are  obvious. No running  game
and no running defense is not the way to get to the Super Bowl. So how  did
they manage it last year?

> Looking forward to the Pats winning their first Super Bowl, it sure would be
> sweet if they could beat the Rams doing it :).

Granted it would be easier  for the Pats to take  on LA, and I'm not  crazy
about the Bears, but  I'd feel something was  wrong if this year's  Chicago
team wasn't in New Orleans. I see a tough defensive game with a final score
of about 17-14 with the Bears on top. But on any given Sunday.....

> P.S. You  want to talk about "classless"?  How about Schaeffer Stadium fans?
>      I'll bet the league is glad none of the  Pats'  playoff  games  are  in
>      Foxboro... I'll bet the Town Of Foxboro is glad, too!

I guess reputations do follow you around. Despite the disgusting events  of
past years in now SULLIVAN stadium (how's that for modesty) things are  not
that bad anymore. I was at a few home  games this year and I did not see  a
single problem. Only  after the Pats  clinched a playoff  spot against  the
Bengals did all hell break loose. But that is understandable after 26 years
of letdowns for the fans.

Well, I've had my chance  to spew my Raiders  venom. It's been building  up
for years. I'm  looking forward to  seeing a Super  Bowl between two  teams
that have never been there before and both deserve a shot at it.

> Bill Dewey
> New England transplant and Raider fan.

		Jim McCollum

		New England resident and Cowboy fan

E-Net:		latour::jmccollum
Internet:	mccollum at TOPS20.DEC.COM