eugene@auvax (Eugene Rubin) (08/09/83)
I have been discussing with several colleagues the possibility of building a sailboat from plans over the winter. I would appreciate any suggestions by mail <auvax!eugene> for the project. Here are my specifications at the moment: - 17-20 ft. - daysailer - but would be really nice if we could get one that we could sleep on. - rigging: undecided. - trailerable - thus, I imagine, a drop centerboard. - relatively simple construction - perhaps plywood construction. My questions are: 1. Is this too ambitious for my first boat - given that you have a vague idea as to my woodworking skills? Should I go for something smaller? I'm afraid that if I do, I may burn out of boat building and not proceed to the size of boat that I really want. 2. Are there any boats that you would particularly recommend. Please remember that I primarily want to cruise around and that, while racing is fun and we would probably participate in it, we would not rate that characteristic as highest. 3. Are there any sources of plans other than Wooden Boat magazine that are particularly fruitful? 4. Do you recommend buying the hull and preceeding from there versus building from scratch? Cost is extremely critical to me. Thanks, Gene Rubin Athabasca University Edmonton, Alberta <auvax!eugene>