[net.rec.boat] WAKE UP net.rec.boat

5134jtc@hou2b.UUCP (10/25/83)

I see very few articles in this newsgroup although there must be
a great many boating people sitting in front of terminals from
time to time.  What articles do appear are mainly "What boat
should I buy" and "I want a crewing job in the big leagues",
both of which are OK....but.  But what about the experienced
mariners who could be discussing the many issues and problems in
the world of recreational boating -- where are they??????????
Let me suggest some questions: 

  How are the green buoys working out...are they really more visible?

  Is it true that MSD enforcement is rampant on the lakes and rivers?
  Are there pumpout stations in most such areas?

  Are the I-O drives still giving the mechanics a lot of income?
  Which makes have the best record of reliability?

  Has documentation decreased as states (eg, NJ) have insisted on
  licensing so as to get the sales tax?

  Is it technically improper to use ham radio as a message network for
  boat people?  Or as a tracking scheme to follow the progress of
  offshore sailors?  Or to report delayed arrival because of engine
  problems?  Or to arrange transient dockage when cruising?

  Can the Coast Guard Auxiliary insist on boarding (as the CG
  itself can)?

  Can anyone cite personal problems with Norseman-type rigging
  terminals?  What were they?

  What might be the next changes in the racing rules?

  Which of the new boats under 16 feet is a good bet to be a
  fast-growing class?

How about it, you deck apes, mates, captains and other hangers-on....
this could be a lively and useful newsgroup.

     John Cocker....hanger-on from NJ
        Remember: "Skiing is hazardous to a boatman's knees."

dxp@pyuxhh.UUCP (10/25/83)

 Although only remotely connected with boating I would like to
bring up the matter of a National Saltwater Fishing Licence about 
to be discussed(voted on ?) in Washington(D.C.) .
 What the hell does it have to do with non-salt water states (this measure
is being proposed by a politician from Michigan for crying out loud).
 How many salt water state netters out there????
 There are 23 salt water states,24 if you include Pennsylvania(lower reaches
of the Delaware River are tidal) this should be enough to quash the measure
if enough residents of those salt water start lobbying their reps & senators.
 The proposed amounts of the licence are not what I object as they seem low
<$20 /yr but that the issue is being instigated by someonefrom a state that
really should not be involved in the issue at all.
                 My apologies to anyone not blessed(cursed?) with a salt
                 water boundary and this is in noway intended to offend

                          DavePeak(Jersey by the sea)