[net.music] Dead Alert

jackson@curium.DEC (Seth Jackson) (04/04/85)

First night Providence:

Hell In a Bucket ->
Me & My Uncle ->
Mexicali Blues
Ramble On Rose
Ain't Superstitious
Row Jimmy 
Let It Grow

Terrapin ->
Women Are Smarter
Truckin' ->
Spoonful ->
drums ->
space ->
Wharf Rat ->
Throwin' Stones ->
Sugar Magnolia

Day Job

Nothing unusual, but of course, some real good playing. During Hell 
in a Bucket, Bobby went up to the edge of the stage to do his 
Rock Star act, and promptly fell flat on his back, and almost fell
off the stage altogether. He covered for this by regaining his 
balance and sitting on the edge of the stage while jamming. Ha Ha
Bobby Rock Star!

The show was slightly longer than the others I've seen on the tour,
as it ran a good 3 1/2 hours. As usual, a good time was had by all.

jackson@curium.DEC (Seth Jackson) (04/05/85)

Second night in Providence....YEEEE HAAAA!

This was definitely the show of the tour, at least from the standpoint
song selection and unpredictability. The playing was rather good, 
too, although the first set seemed lacking in energy at times 
(not necessarily bad, mind you!).

OK, folks, here's the song list:

Alabama Getaway ->
Jack Straw
Dire Wolf 
El Paso
<some slow Dylan song sung by jerry, don't know the name>
My Brother Esau
Friend of the Devil
Lost Sailor ->
Saint of Circumstance ->

I Need a Miracle ->
Crazy Fingers ->
Samson and Delilah ->
He's Gone ->
Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad ->
jam ->
drums ->
space ->
The Wheel ->
Black Peter ->
Around and Around ->
Turn on Your Lovelight

U.S. Blues

It was nice to hear Lost Sailor/Saint of Circumstance in the first 
set again. They're pretty good tunes, but I often find that they
don't fit the 2nd set flow real well. 'Deal' was also nice, because
they could have easily gotten away with ending the set on 'Saint',
but they went for one more tune! (Won't you try just a little bit
harder, couldn't you try just a little bit more!)

Crazy Fingers?!? That sure surprised the shit out everyone, as did
Goin' Down the Road.

The jam after Goin' Down the Road was a real Old-Dead-Style driving
blues jam, nice, but not real long. U.S. Blues...the third one I've 
seen this tour (out of 6 shows), but it was *real good*, nonetheless.

For me, the tour ended last night, and did I ever enjoy it! The Dead
are back, they are better than ever, and they proved it on this tour.
Funny, though, it almost seems like it never happened (it melts into 
a dream). I guess I'll just have to get me some tapes!  With all those
mics in the Taper Section, that shouldn't be too tough! Thus, although 
the tour has ended, the music never stops...


"We used to play for silver, now we play for life..."

				Seth Jackson