[ut.general] Discount on Apple Macs for UoT community

peterr@utcsrgv.UUCP (Peter Rowley) (03/27/84)

Computer Connection, which has been UoT's traditional Apple dealer (according
to them) is offering a discount on MacIntoshes to the university community.
In return for a pledge not to sell the unit for a year, one gets a Mac,
MacPaint/Write, and Imagewriter for around $3860, about $3620 if it's for
teaching or research (and thus FST exempt).  For the latter, phone Ron Mar
at x2220.  For the former, I guess it's best to phone Computer Connection.
They also offer Mac alone, accessories, Microsoft Basic & Multiplan,
and probably other things, at a discount.  How much of a discount?  The $3860
deal is for equipment listing around $4600, so it's about 15-20% off.
All of this was gleaned from a fellow demonstrating a Mac at the bookroom
today (Monday).

dudek@utcsrgv.UUCP (Gregory Dudek) (03/27/84)

  I'm not too impressed by this dealer's
"big deal".  When I asked a computer dealer up on
Yonge near Eglinton what it would cost me to get a Mac (not
that I was about to buy one), he told me their price (with
printer) was $3900.  That means this "big discount" is
about $40 over what I could get one for right off the street, without
any finagleing.  I suppose that, like stereos, the "list price"
of computer equip. is not a good indicator of what it sells for.

   Gregory Dudek