(Jim Clarke) (02/23/88)
Job posting for Eva Swenson:
>From Nancy Ide <IDE@VASSAR>
Job Announcement
Instructor in Computer Literacy
Vassar College
The Department of Computer Science seeks applicants for an Instructor in
Computer Literacy beginning September 1988. Candidates holding a doctorate will
be given highest priority though others who demonstrate appropriate experience
or credentials will be considered. Prior teaching experience in computer
literacy is strongly desirable.
Candidates should have a broad familiarity with computer literacy issues and an
in-depth knowledge of microcomputing in a Macintosh environment, including
Pascal programming, word processing, spreadsheets, graphics and similar software
applications. Experience with a VAX/VMS computing system is a plus. The
teaching load is five courses per year.
Vassar is a coeducational liberal arts college of 2,250 students located in the
Hudson Valley, approximately ninety minutes north of New York City. The
Department of Computer Science consists of five full-time faculty members.
Vassar is a charter member of the Carnegie-Mellon InterUniversity Consortium for
Educational Computing and has participated in numerous national projects in
educational computing for liberal arts colleges.
Salary is dependent upon qualificatinos. Candidates should send a resume,
transcript(s), three letters of recommendation, and a letter stating teaching
interests to: Dr. Martin Ringle, Chairman, Department of Computer Science,
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Application closing date is March 30,
1988. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and Minority
candidates are encouraged to apply.
Jim Clarke -- Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4
(416) 978-4058
BITNET,CSNET: CDNNET: clarke@csri.toronto.cdn
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