[ut.general] GSU Fee Referendum on March 29,30.

johns@godzilla.ele.toronto.edu (David Johns) (03/22/88)

                  GSU Fee Referendum

Attn. all grad students: 

There is a GSU fee referendum on Tuesday, March 29th and
Wednesday, March 30th.  

The referendum question is:
 "Do you approve of a GSU fee increase of $13.00 per full-time
  ($6.50 for part-time) graduate student beginning in the 1988/89
  academic year, with cost-of-living increments in subsequent 

The present GSU fee is $27.00 per full-time graduate student.

I strongly encourage every grad student to get out and vote since its
yours and MY money.

   The downtown poll locations are:
      Robarts Library    -    11 - 4pm
      GSU Building       -    12 - 9pm
      Med Sci Bldg       -    11 - 4pm
      OISE, 5th floor    -    12-3pm; 5-7:30pm

You must present your student card in order to vote.

David Johns (Electical Engineering GSU representative)