(Tom Molnar) (10/13/88)
The following list of machine name aliases contain names which are no longer supported by the major mail gateways at UofT: NB! Disclaimer: this list is not official in any way -- it is merely meant to be informative. It is not exhaustive, and may contain one or two exceptions. I have not checked each individual address. TM 16 baldwin bay black blackfly blandings blaxland bloor blues borodin brutus butter butterfly carlton ccievm cga champlain charles christian civa civb cook csgate cssca csscb csslug csslugti dalcs danforth darcy davenport dbase delury dixon drive dundas dupont dw eagle ecf16k ecfa ecfb ecfmv01 ecfmv02 ecfmv03 ecfmv04 ecfmv05 ecfmv06 ecfmv07 eleca ellesmere elm ephemeral esplanade explorer fich field finch fletcher flis flytrap fmrl fraser front gate gathen gerrard gregory harbord horse horsefly hoskin ility image isabella james jarvis jazz king lake lathe lombard lowther luby magnet megalon melody mill mothra mpcad mv1 mv2 mv3 mv4 ob1 ob2 ob3 oconnor ois oliver opus pcchui pcfred plus power queen quoits rackoff rathburn rhythm richmond rodan russell scoop sheppard shuter soul spadina stclair steeles stjoseph sturt sussex tango tap tplus trap trapfly troubadour turtle utatmosp utaurora utbay utccievm utcdfc utcga utciva utcivb utcluster1 utcluster2 utcluster3 utcluster4 utcsgate utcssca utcsscb utcsslug utcsslugti utcts utdbase utdbois utdelury utdrill uteagle utecf utecf16k utecfa utecfb utecfmv01 utecfmv02 utecfmv03 utecfmv04 utecfmv05 utecfmv06 utecfmv07 utegc uteleca utensil utfraser utgate utgerm2 uthelios utimage utkrishna utlake utland utlathe utmcm utmike utmill utmoose utmpcad utob1 utob2 utob3 utoldkat utoliver utopus utpeter utplus utpluto utrob utsand utscg utscoop utscs utsid utstew uttap utubrutus uturing utworm utyonge white whitefly willcocks william wills wilson wormleighton yonge yorkmills yorkville If an old address was in use, such as uturing, use or instead. Tom Molnar -- Tom Molnar Unix Systems Group, University of Toronto Computing Services.