[ut.general] Talk on transaction processing on multiprocessors

stumm@eecg.toronto.edu (Michael Stumm) (11/08/88)

As part of a regular series of talks associated with the
Hector research project, Prof. Kai Li of Princeton
University will give a talk on multiprocessor transaction
processing on Tuesday. The abstract of the talk is
included below.

    When: Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1988 at 12:00 noon
    Where: SF 1102 
    What: Prof. Kai Li of Princeton University will talk on
          multiprocessor main memory transaction processing.

 	        Multiprocessor Main Memory Transaction Processing
	                         Kai Li
	             Department of Computer Science                
	                 Princeton University
     This talk presents a brief analysis on the superlinear speedup of the
     potential performance of multiprocessor main memory transaction
     processing systems and describes an experiment designed to evaluate the
     potential performance on stock multiprocessors.  We have designed and
     implemented a transaction processing kernel for stock multiprocessors.
     The system prepares, processes, logs, and checkpoints transactions in
     parallel, providing high performance without special purpose hardware.
     On the standard debit-credit benchmark, our implementation on a pair of
     5 1-MIP processor shared-memory multiprocessors runs 1,100 transactions
     per second.
     This work is jointly done with Jeffrey Naughton.