ian@dgp.toronto.edu ("Ian S. Small") (12/05/88)
Speakers: Mike Ramsay & John Metcalfe Entry Systems Division Silicon Graphics, Inc. Room: GB 305 Date: Wednesday, December 7 Time: 2:00 PM Mike Ramsay is the Vice-President and General Manager of Silicon Graphics' new Entry Systems Division. The purpose of the Entry Systems Division is to lower the cost of Silicon Graphics' high performance workstations to make SGI's technology more accessible to university and commercial customers. Mike Ramsay was the chief architect of the Personal Iris (Iris 4D/20) and handled product management responsibility for the project from concept through to delivery of the final product. Mike and John Metcalfe, Director of Marketing for ESD, will be available to address questions on current product functionality, to discuss future directions of the product, and to receive input regarding product requirements and enhancements needed by the University of Toronto market. -- Ian S. Small (416) 978-6619 Dynamic Graphics Project Computer Systems Research Institute BITNET: ian@dgp.utoronto University of Toronto EAN: ian@dgp.toronto.cdn Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4 UUCP/CSNET: ian@dgp.toronto.edu