[ut.general] Computer for Sale

milan@hub.toronto.edu (Milan Strnad) (04/04/88)

Integrated Solutions V24 3-processor complete system, with:

	16 Mhz 68020 main processor with 12.5 MHz 68881 floating point
		and 8 MB memory
	Excelan Ethernet controller
	Interphase SMD controller
	2 NEC 2352 disk drives, each 400MB (formatted)
	ICP16 and ICP8 for total of 24 serial ports
	Archive 15-track 1/4" tape drive, 120MB capacity per (DC-600A) cassette
	QIC2 controller for cassette, with battery clock

	2 16MHz 68020/12.5MHz 68881 cluster compute nodes, each
		with 6 MB of memory

	1/2MB shared memory for Virtual Backplane network

Everything is in a single rack.  The memory is 2MB boards that may be
shuffled around, putting up to 14MB on the main processor (limited by
backplane wiring).  This system was installed Oct, '86.  We are selling
it because we have decided to go with diskless workstations, and Sun
workstations are much, much cheaper than ISI's.

We would like to realise about $70K (CDN).


		    Milan Strnad,	    CSRI Univ. of Toronto

andrew@dgp.toronto.edu (Andrew Chasin) (12/19/88)

I have the following computer system for sale:

1) Commodore 64 computer
2) Commodore 1541 disk drive
3) Commodore MPS 801 dot matrix printer
4) Sanyo CRT-30 monochrome (green) monitor
5) Westridge communications 300 baud modem
6) VIP terminal communications software (allows you to use full 80 
   column display!, uses icons, supports e-mail, auto-dial, auto-answer,etc.)
7) 2 joysticks (WICO's Boss and Slik Stick)

This is the perfect system for students taking CSC courses.  Do all your
work from home, spend the night before big programming assignments are due
in the comfort of your own home (not in the Engineering Annex!!).

Also a good system for people just getting their feet wet using a computer
and who don't want to spend a fortune.

Asking $620.00 for the whole system (or best offer)

e-mail any offers to andrew@dgp or phone at 731-5970 and ask for Andrew.