(Sofia Kirschner) (11/28/89)
Meeting of the Psychological Measurement and Assessment Interest Group Friday, December 1 @ 2:30 p.m. in Room 570, SSH Detection-Theory Measures of Response Bias C. Douglas Creelman Abstract In experiments which measure sensitivity or choice, Detection Theory has provided measures (primarily d' of Signal Detectability Theory, and alpha of Choice Theory), which are unaffected by the decision-maker's criterion. The converse is not true; we have no robust measure of criterion which remains constant with changes in discriminability. Alternative measures will be discussed and compared, and the relatively meagre experimental literature will be surveyed. An argument will be made that no measure is "non-parametric" and the argument is supported by a demonstration that one proposed measure of bias which is purported to be parametric, and one which is purported to be non-parametric are equivalent. A strong recommendation will be made in favor of the measure c, instead of the measure beta, for characterizing bias.