rogson (04/22/83)

TOPIC:	The First Annual Ada Compiler Fair
DATE:	Saturday, May 21, 1983
TIME:	8:30 AM - 5:00 PM  Program
PLACE:	Aerospace Corporation
      2350 E. El Segundo Blvd.
      El Segundo
COST:	$5 prior to May 12; $10 thereafter.
      Luncheon $9
CONTACT: Dr. Cheryl Chapman

ABSTRACT:  Most of the leading Ada compilers will be displayed for the
interest of current and potential users.  The morning session will be
devoted to short  introductions by the compiler developers.  Dr. Robert
Mathis, new Director of the DoD's Ada Joint Program Office has
tentatively agreed to give the luncheon speech.  After lunch there will
be a Compiler Evaluation Period, where each compiler will demonstrate a
standard set of Ada benchmark programs (selected by the LA AdaTEC
organizers), under the supervision of our Ada Experts Panel.  There will
be ample opportunity for attendees to discuss the compiler systems with
the developers.

ADA is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense (Ada Joint
Program Office).