MAILER-DAEMON@spp1.UUCP (10/12/85)
----- Transcript of session follows ----- mail: /usr/spool/mail/colbert has more than one link or is a symbolic link mail: cannot open dead.letter 554 <colbert>... unknown mailer error 1 ----- Unsent message follows ----- Received: by UCB-VAX (5.28/5.12) id AA07273; Mon, 14 Oct 85 03:49:58 PDT Message-Id: <8510141049.AA07273@UCB-VAX> Return-Path: <@MIT-MC:godwin@UCI-ICSE> Received: from MIT-MC.ARPA by USC-ECLB.ARPA; Sat 12 Oct 85 17:40:20-PDT Received: from UCI-ICSE.ARPA by MIT-MC.ARPA 12 Oct 85 16:45:15 EDT Received: from localhost by UCI-ICSE.ARPA id a017160; 12 Oct 85 13:42 PDT To: info-pascal@brl-voc.ARPA, info-ada@mit-mc.ARPA, info-micro@brl-vgr.ARPA Subject: Languages in use Date: 12 Oct 85 13:42:08 PDT (Sat) From: Dave Godwin <UCI-ICSE.ARPA!godwin@ucbvax.UUCP> Resent-Date: Sun 13 Oct 85 15:47:30-PDT Resent-From: USC-ECLB.ARPA!INFO-ADA@ucbvax.UUCP Resent-To: info-ada@USC-ECLB.ARPA Resent-Message-Id: <12150885489.35.INFO-ADA@USC-ECLB.ARPA> Hi folks. I have a small favor to ask from a lot of people here. This message is addressed to all you folks out there teaching classes at universities, or doing new research and development stuff in large scale industry. From the academic areas, I need to know what languages you are teaching your freshmen. Are these langauges used in later courses they take ? From the R&D people, both in industry and academia, what languages are you using most frequently ? Why do you use that particular language ( please keep this answer down to a few chapters :-> ) ? Please send your replies to me direct; there is no need to clutter any net space up with this. If I get enough replies, I will post a summary to the net. Thank you all much, Dave Godwin University of California, Irvine <---- new arpa mailer address <---- old arpa mailer address