Date: 15 November 1985, 14:45:39 PST From: Bebo White (415) 854-3300 x2907 BEBO at SLACVM To: INFO-ADA at ECLB.ARPA Subject: Ada Validation Information Is it possible to obtain information on the Ada Validation Suite and validation reports/results on compilers which have either been validated or have sought validation? Thanks in advance for your help. Bebo White Stanford Linear Accelerator Center P.O. Box 4349, Bin 97 Stanford, CA 94305 (415) 854-3300 x2907
Bakin@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA (11/16/85)
The following information is from information I've received from the Ada Information Clearinghouse (Ada-Information -at usc-eclb, or via US Mail ADA IC 3D139 (Fern St., C-107) The Pentagon Washington DC 20301-3081 or via AT&T 703-685-1477: First, to get a copy of an ACVC test suite send a cover letter specifying version number desired (currently 1.6 or 1.7), two reels of blank (NEW) 2400' mag tape specifying whether you need VAX compatible or Standard Release Tape, to Ada Validation Facility ASD/ADOL ATTN: Mrs. Tina Underwood Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433. Second, to get more information on validation in general write/phone/mail the Ada informatoin clearinghous and ask for their stuff on validation/ and compilers. Third, does anyone know how to get copies of Validation reports? I believe they are published by the validation facilities but I don't have a central address to write to? -- Dave