[The Info-Ada network should be much better able to help Lifu than I can. Apologies to Lifu for my not responding or forwarding sooner -- hopefully you will soon be swamped with good answers (perhaps with varying interpretations of your query). -- Hal Hart] Begin forwarded message Received: FROM BRILLIG.UMD.EDU BY USC-ISIF.ARPA WITH TCP ; 30 Apr 86 18:01:36 PDT by brillig.umd.edu (5.9/4.7) id AA19531; Wed, 30 Apr 86 21:01:20 EDT Date: Wed, 30 Apr 86 21:01:20 EDT From: Lifu Wu <lifuwu@brillig.umd.edu> To: halhart@usc-isif.arpa Subject: Help Return-Path: <lifuwu@brillig.umd.edu> Message-ID: <8605010101.AA19531@brillig.umd.edu> Dear Dr. Hal Hart, I am a graduate in Dept. of Computer Science at Univ. of Maryland . Now, I am doing some work on Ada . I intensely want to know whether or not a syntax directed programming envoirment for Ada has been implemented in the nationwide . I will appreciate you if I can receive the information about that from you . My address : lifuwu@brillig.umd.edu . Thank you . Lifu Wu -------------------- End forwarded message