[net.lang.ada] Comments on Export Control


        I  have  read  with  interest  the  recent dialogue concerning
export controls.   A  lot  of  things  go  on  wrt  the  Ada  Software
Repository that I don't relay to the net, and two such things included
two security/activity checks which  were  made  by  two  separate  DoD
organizations  over the last several months.  The ASR received a clean
bill of health from both independent checks, even to the extent  where
we have a letter (yes, in writing!)  authorizing the tape distribution
to    both    US    organizations     and     foreign,     non-hostile
organizations/countries in our hands.

        I have forwarded the recent  messages  to  Chris  McDonald,  a
security specialist at WSMR who conducted one of those checks.

        While I am no security specialist, I am quite  satisfied  with
the  results of these checks and Chris' message, and ASR activity will
continue as per the norm until the situation changes.  The  August  86
issue  of "The Institute" by the IEEE (this is Vol 10, Number 8) has a
front-page article entitled "Air Force Proposal to Restrict  Databases
Faces Stiff Opposition".  If the Air Force gets its way, the situation
could change.  I will also  send  excerpts  from  this  article  in  a
following message.