[net.lang.ada] Government Control of

munck@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (Bob Munck) (07/22/86)

I've always seen efforts of this kind as having aspects of trying
to fool ourselves that The Other Side is rather backward and slow,
that they can only advance by stealing our technology.  It's as if
only blond WASP (men) descended from the first-class passengers on
the Mayflower can do original work.  (Examples: Fermi, Einstein, 
An Wang).  We did it with the Japanese for many years; how many now
believe that Sony is copying our TV technology?

I bet we'll be restricting export of space-related technology in
the 1990's, when the whole world will be able to see that the
Ruskies are ten years ahead of us.  (Come to think of it, that will
really just demonstrate our superior development of the technology
of bureaucracy.)
         -- Bob Munck

Does anyone remember the song/poem/whatever that says something like
"Let them steal my ideas, for they can't steal my mind. I'll leave
them puffing and sweating, a year and a half behind."?
(opinions are solely mine, generally disapproved of by my employer)