BSCHAAR@ADA20.ISI.EDU (07/09/86)
I'm looking for some pointers to information regarding Halstead Metrics. I'm looking for articles on what it is and how it is used. Thanks. Brian Schaar Veda Inc (703) 979-2700
jeff@augusta.UUCP (Jeff Berthold) (07/22/86)
In reference to Brian Schaar's request for information on Halstead Metrics: Halstead published his theories on estimating programming effort in the article "Toward a Theoretical Basis for Estimating Programming Effort" in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference (October, 1972) pp. 222-24. This article was reprinted in the book "Writings of the Revolution" (Sorry, publisher and editors name I couldn't find). Other references sited by Shooman in his book 'Software Engineering: Design/Reliability/Management' (McGraw-Hill Computer Science Series, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983) are: Halstead, Maurice: "Software Physics: Basic Principles", IBM Research Report RJ1582, IBM Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., May 20, 1975 Halstead, Maurice:"Elements of Software Science", Elsevier North-Holland Inc., New York, 1977. Shooman goes on to say that the elements of Halstead Metrics were improved upon and related to other basic ideas in statistical communication theory by Professor Arthur Laemmel and Shooman himself in the following articles: Shooman, Martin L. and Arthur Laemmel: "Statistical Theory of Computer Programs", Digest of Papers, Fall COMPCOM'77, IEEE New York, Catalog no. IM 0067-9, New York, October 9, 1979, pp.1-19 Laemmel, Arthur and Martin Shooman: "Statistical (Natural) Language Theory and Computer Program Complexity", PolyTechnic Institute of New York, Report no. POLY-EE/EP-76-020, Aug 15, 1977. I hope these references help you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Berthold Gould Computer Systems Division Ada Software Development 6901 W. Sunrise Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33313 (305) 587-2900 or ....mcnc!rti-sel!gould!jberthold -------------------------------------------------------------------------