Bakin@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA ("David S. Bakin") (08/02/86)
Can anyone tell me which of the following two styles is preferred, or how they differ, or even just which YOU prefer? (If you prefer NOT to use use-clauses you could let me know if you wish, but tell me why.) I'll summarize for the net. THANKS -- Dave Bakin (Bakin -at Style 1: with this; use this; with that; use that; {package/procedure/function} interesting is ... begin ... end; Style 2: with this; with that; {package/procedure/function} interesting is use this; use that; ... begin ... end;
alden%jade@spp1.UUCP (08/05/86)
Unless this and that are text_io, the solution is simple --- Don't use "use" ... Tony P.S. If you really must use "use", I suggest you limit the scope of the use by putting it only in the block that needs to have it. When you put the use in a block (procedure, package body or spec, function, block, etc.), you limit the damage use can do to just that scope.
lwall@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Larry Wall) (08/06/86)
Have you guys actually been burned by USE clauses, or are you just afraid of the dark? I can only see two situations where a USE clause might hurt you: 1) If you USE two packages with homographic subprograms, you could end up relying on overloading. This cannot get you the wrong subprogram unless you make an *explicit* type error. You cannot get the wrong subprogram by specifying the type insufficiently--this will only result in ambiguity, which results in an illegal call, caught at compile time (6.6-3). 2) You CAN get the wrong subprogram by the hiding mechanism. Consider the following: with FOO; procedure BAR is procedure X is ... end X; procedure SUBBAR is use FOO; -- FOO declares procedure X also begin X; -- this is BAR.X, not FOO.X end SUBBAR; end BAR; The hiding occurs because directly visible declarations hide within their immediate scope anything that would be made visible by a USE clause (8.4-5). It seems to me that mistaking BAR.X for FOO.X is more likely because the USE clause is so much closer than the declaration of the directly visible BAR.X. In this case, putting the USE up with the WITH might be less confusing, especially to someone reading the program backwards to find the declaration of X. Neither of these problems is a strong argument against using USE clauses. #1 is more of an argument against overloading. #2 is an argument against nesting procedures too deeply. If you are in a situation where the types of your subprogram arguments are clear, and your abstract types are all nicely confined to packages so that you don't rely on hiding mechanisms of dubious value, I see no reason to avoid the use of multiple USE clauses, even in large projects, even where it results in overloading. In particular, the use of overloaded operators in infix notation pretty requires either a USE clause or a slough of RENAMESes. My rule of thumb would be this: only use USE over large scopes, where the package used is well known, and can be borne in mind as part of the global context. In narrow scopes I'd tend to use RENAMES instead, to avoid problems with hiding. How's that for being contrary? Larry Wall {allegra,burdvax,cbosgd,hplabs,ihnp4,sdcsvax}!sdcrdcf!lwall
vilot@wanginst.UUCP (Michael Vilot) (08/14/86)
In article <2938@sdcrdcf.UUCP> lwall@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Larry Wall) writes: > >If you are in a situation where the types of your subprogram arguments are >clear, and your abstract types are all nicely confined to packages so that >you don't rely on hiding mechanisms of dubious value, I see no reason to >avoid the use of multiple USE clauses, even in large projects, even where >it results in overloading. Consider one more reason to have USE clauses: changing a package's imported environment explicitly. Suppose you have built a test version of a system which instruments some features you are interested in. Now, suppose you have to get the same system into "production shape" (i.e. faster and/or smaller), and you're not interested in the instrumentation. It may be far easier to go from: with Heavily_Instrumented_Package; use Heavily_Instrumented_Package; procedure The_System is begin Do_Interesting_Stuff; end; ... to: with Simpler_and_Faster_Package; use Simpler_and_Faster_Package; procedure The_System is begin Do_Interesting_Stuff; end; ... than to replace all occurrences of the fully qualified names. Of course, in a well-run project, the need for two versions is all seen in advance, and the change should "never be needed" :-)