Nyberg@ADA20.ISI.EDU (Karl Nyberg) (08/28/86)
The Ada information that was previously available to all users through Ada20 has now been duplicated in a bulletin board service for those without access to the ddn. The following two sections are taken from the files ps:<ada-info>ada-ddn.hlp and ps:<ada-info>ada-rbbs.hlp here on Ada20, and describe how to access the files in each mode, as may be appropriate. -- Karl -- PS:<ada-info>ada-ddn.hlp This file contains information on how to access the Ada-Info files on the Ada20. (Point of Contact: Gil Austin) Access to Ada* Information on the Defense Data Network ------------------------------------------------------ The Ada-Info directory on the Ada20 computer is available to authorized DDN users only. It is an official source of information on the Ada language and Ada activities. Sponsored by the Ada Joint Program Office and maintained by the Ada Information Clearinghouse, this computer directory is used to announce current events, general activities and to indicate the status of various Ada compiler efforts. The directory is resident on the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute, System F (USC-ISIF), whose alias is Ada20, and is accessible via the Defense Data Network (DDN). The DDN is a collection of approximately eighty different computer networks representing DoD facilities, research centers and academia throughout the free world. All of the networks are packet-switching systems with interconnections at various locations. Access to the DDN is controlled by the Department of Defense. To obtain access to the DDN it is first necessary to have a computer directory or access to a directory on one of the several thousand host computers comprising the system. The AJPO maintains two hosts at the ISI facility in California: the Ada20 and the Adavax. Access to these systems is controlled by the AJPO and is limited to those individuals providing a significant level of support to the Ada effort. Once access is obtained to one of these systems or to any other DDN host, the system administrator will provide directory and password information to the user. The following is the procedure for making a connection to the Ada-Info directory from a DDN host. For Ada20 Users: 1. Log into your directory on Ada20. 2. Type "Type <Ada-Info>Files.Hlp" for a listing of all help files in the Ada-Info directory. 3. To View one of the files from this listing, type "Type <Ada-Info>Filename.Ext" where 'Filename' is the name of a file in the listing. 4. To Copy one of the files from this listing to a local directory, type "Copy <Ada-Info>Filename.Ext Fileb.Ext" where 'Filename' is the name of a file in the listing and Fileb.Ext is the new local file name. For users of other DDN computers supporting the FTP program: 1. From a directory on the other machine, invoke FTP. 2. Establish a connection to the Ada20. 3. When the 'Connection Opened' message is displayed; login by typing "Log Anonymous Username" where 'Username' is the user login name on the other machine. 4. When the 'User Logged in' message appears, type "Get <Ada-Info>Files.Hlp Fileb.Ext" where Fileb.Ext is the local filename to write. 5. To read a desired file(?), step repeated substituting the new filename for 'Files'. PS:<ada-info>ada-rbbs.hlpThis file contains information on how to access the Ada IC bulletin Board at (202)694-0215. (Ada IC point of contact: Gil Austin) Public Access to the Ada Information Bulletin Board --------------------------------------------------- The Ada Information Bulletin Board system will accept signals of 300 or 1200 baud. Users should set their telecommunications packages to operate with no parity, eight data bits and one stop bit. This system initially answers the telephone at 1200 baud, no parity, eight data bits (XMODEM), and one stop bit. It then waits to receive three carriage returns so that it can switch to match your baud rate, parity, and number of data bits. If garbage text appears on your screen when the system first connects, do not be alarmed or change your parameters to try and match the system. Just send three carriage returns one at a time, slowly. In the following introductory session, user responses are bolded. Additional computer responses have been removed from this example to improve clarity. ************************************************************************ WELCOME TO RBBS-PC What is your FIRST Name? John What is your LAST Name? Doe Checking Users... What type of system are you calling from (Press [ENTER] if IBMPC)? What is your CITY and STATE? Anytown, TX ... JOHN DOE from Anytown, TX <C>hange name/address, <D>isconnect (don't register), <R>egister? R Enter PASSWORD you'll use to logon again? ABCDEFG Re-enter PASSWORD for verification (Dots will Echo)? ........ Please REMEMBER your password CAN YOUR TERMINAL DISPLAY LOWER CASE (Y/N)? Y UPPER CASE and lower GRAPHICS wanted: <N>one,<A>scii,<C>olor,<H>elp? N GRAPHICS: None FILE transfer default type <A)scii, <X>modem, <C>Xmodem/CRC, <N>one? X PROTOCOL: Xmodem Want nulls (Y/N)? N Nulls Off Logging JOHN DOE RBBS-PC VERSION CPC14.1A NODE 1 OPERATING AT 1200 BAUD,N,8,1 * <Ctrl K> or <Ctrl X> aborts <Ctrl S> suspends * +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Welcome to the Ada Information Clearinghouse Ada | | Information Database. | | Voice: (703) 685-1477 Data: (202) 694-0215 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ... =================== FUNCTIONS SUPPORTED ===================== o Download 7-bit ASCII files o Download 8-bit binary files using XMODEM protocol o Send comments to the AdaIC o List new files available since last directory review o Read SYSOP bulletins from bulletin menu Checking messages. RBBS-PC Version CPC14.1A Node 1 Caller # 13 # active msgs: 0 Next msg # 1 28 minutes left Ada IC M E S S A G E S Y S T E M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SYSTEM UTILITIES ELSEWHERE COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE B)ulletins H)elp D)oors system E)nter Msg J)oin *C)OMMENT* L)ines per page *F)ILES SYSTEM* K)ill Msg V)iew I)nitial Welcome X)pert on/off G)oodbye P)ersonal Mail O)perator Page ?)List Functions U)tilities Q)uick Scan W)ho else is on R)ead Msgs Main Functions <B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,O,P,Q,R,S,U,V,W,X,?>? F 28 minutes left Ada IC F I L E S Y S T E M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- F I L E T R A N S F E R ------- -- UTILITIES -- - ELSEWHERE - FILE TRANSFER FILE INFORMATION D)ownload a file L)ist files available H)elp G)oodbye U)pload a file N)ew files listed X)pert on/off Q)uit and return S)earch file directories to main menu ?)File transfer tutorial File Function <D,G,H,L,N,Q,S,U,X,?>? L * <Ctrl K> or <Ctrl X> aborts <Ctrl S> suspends * =======RBBS PC File Directory======= DIR General Description of Contents --- ------------------------------- 1 Ada Information Files 2 Not Currently Available 3 Not Currently Available In order to list -----> type Directory 1 L;1 28 minutes left Ada IC F I L E S Y S T E M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- F I L E T R A N S F E R ------- -- UTILITIES -- - ELSEWHERE - FILE TRANSFER FILE INFORMATION D)ownload a file L)ist files available H)elp G)oodbye U)pload a file N)ew files listed X)pert on/off Q)uit and return S)earch file directories to main menu ?)File transfer tutorial File Function <D,G,H,L,N,Q,S,U,X,?>? L;1 * <Ctrl K> or <Ctrl X> aborts <Ctrl S> suspends * 1750A.HLP 06-09-86 2072 This file contains information on the status of MIL-STD-1750A (Sixteen Bit Computer Instruction Set Architecture). (Ada IC point of contact: Becky Reile) ADA-BIB.HLP 06-09-86 1834 This file contains a description of the Ada Bibliography Volumes I and II as well as ordering information. (Ada IC point of contact: Becky Reile) ADA-CALR.HLP 06-09-86 12342 This file contains a brief list of upcoming Ada events including conferences and educational programs. (Ada IC point of contact: Mary Armstrong) ADABOOKS.HLP 06-09-86 86656 This file contains abstracts of many of the Ada textbooks listed in the file TEXT-BIB.HLP. (Ada IC point of contact: Rebecca Reile) ADATODAY.HLP 06-09-86 21926 Ada* TODAY, an on-line newsletter providing the latest information on people, events and More (Y),N,NS? y publications related to the Ada program. (Ada IC point of contact: Mary Armstrong) ... 26 minutes left Ada IC F I L E S Y S T E M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- F I L E T R A N S F E R ------- -- UTILITIES -- - ELSEWHERE - FILE TRANSFER FILE INFORMATION D)ownload a file L)ist files available H)elp G)oodbye U)pload a file N)ew files listed X)pert on/off Q)uit and return S)earch file directories to main menu ?)File transfer tutorial File Function <D,G,H,L,N,Q,S,U,X,?>? D Enter full filename to download? adayest.hlp 898 blocks in file Transfer time: 20 minutes, 35 seconds XMODEM SEND ready. <Ctrl X> aborts {File is sent and received} Ada IC F I L E S Y S T E M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- F I L E T R A N S F E R ------- -- UTILITIES -- - ELSEWHERE - FILE TRANSFER FILE INFORMATION D)ownload a file L)ist files available H)elp G)oodbye U)pload a file N)ew files listed X)pert on/off Q)uit and return S)earch file directories to main menu ?)File transfer tutorial File Function <D,G,H,L,N,Q,S,U,X,?>? G Now 12:09 PM Time on: 11 Min & 15 Sec JOHN, Thanks for calling and please call again! -------