rab (02/14/83)
S is a language and system for data analysis, particularly exploratory analysis, and for research on new techniques in statistics and statistical computing. It emphasizes interactive analysis and the use of graphical techniques. The main strengths of S are the simplicity and generality of the language, the emphasis on interaction and graphics, the automatically-maintained, self-describing general data structures and the facilities for the extension of S to new techniques. Generally, S is more powerful than other statistical systems in the range of things it can express and in the facilities for extending this range. It also contains a large number of specific statistical, graphical and other analyses. S will run on an up-to-date UNIX system (Version 7, 4.1BSD, System III or V) on a sizable machine. A VAX is preferable, since large amounts of program memory are available and addressable. S will also run on PDP 11/70 or PDP 11/45 systems, but in these environments analysis is limited to datasets of a few thousand data values at most. S is available from Bell Laboratories Computer Information Service 600 Mountain Avenue Murrray Hill, NJ 07974 Enclose your US Mail address, and they will send further details. Richard Becker, John Chambers