[net.usoft.s] HP7475A Pen Plotter S Driver - Here's how

govern@houxf.UUCP (01/23/84)

(Please submit any followups to this note to net.usoft.s, which is
the "official group" for this topic")

(I asked this question a few weeks ago.  Here is what I found out:)

To use the HP 7475A plotter with the S statistical system, use the
"hpgl" driver.  To do this, you must have the correct hardware
				| Plotter     |
	_________________		|
	| modem/computer|===============|  <-- HP Y-cable 07470-60090
	|---------------|		|
				| Terminal    |
The cable also has another part number, which might be 17455 (?).

The switch settings we use are: S2=0 S1=0 (Parity)   D/Y=1(=Y) US/MET=1(=US)
A3/A4=0 (Paper size A4)  (B4,B3,B2,B1)=1010 (Baud rate=9600(?))

HPGL is the HP graphics language, which works for a number of HP
graphics devices.  The 7475A has some extensions on the language,
which are presumably not supported by S, but we've been quite
satisfied with it.

Thanks to those whose advice contributed to this.
				Bill Stewart ho95b!wcs
The .signature file of
	Bill Stewart and/or
	the "govern" group account