[net.lang.c] error checking

dalka (10/26/82)

I always check all error returns on reads/writes/seeks. I do this by:

	if (fread(&stuff, num, size, fd) != num)
		ERROR (FATAL, "error, message", interesting_object)

where ERROR is:
#define	WARNING		0	/* warning 				*/
#define ERR		1	/* continue processing, log the error 	*/
#define FATAL		2	/* fatal user error, exit immediately	*/
#define INTERNAL	3	/* internal tool error, exit immediately*/

 * define the ERROR macro which will pass line number and source
 * filename to error subroutine
#define ERROR(a,b,c)	error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(a),(b),(c))
the error message may contain printf formatting macros and the interesting
object may either be zero or use the format in the string.
The sourcefile name and line number are invaluable when debugging and
are sometines turned on or off by setting debugging variables.
The error routine can also be made smart enough to know about any
temp files open, closing and/or removing them if necessary.

paulson (10/26/82)

Note that exception handling in C can be implemented using setjmp/longjmp
library calls, without adding anything to the language.

Exception handling of the form used in PL/1, "on any divide by zero do the
following", seems to me to be a particularly insidious attack on
structured programming.  I get a very unsettling feeling when I know
that control is being transferred in a program without any explicit
statement from the programmer.

			Bill Paulson

pfc (10/26/82)

whuxlb!pfc    Oct 26 13:06:00 1982

PLEASE!  No setjmp/longjmp's.

I find it amazing that people who advocate getting rid of every single last
goto will gladly put in a longjmp.

The last is not meant as an ad hominiem (sp?), only a general comment.

jcwinterton (11/01/82)

	Somewhat like Bill Paulson, I don't think the idea of PL/1 type ON
units are a particularly good idea.  However, it does provide neat error
trapping if handled correctly and a reasonable repair and return or
give up and quit neatly mechanism is available.  As for that unsettled feeling,
how would one handle a piece of hardware that operates in this way?  At least
one cpu I know of does exactly, by hardware, what the ON unit idea does.
That is, on the interrupt or fault it lays down a new stack frame and transfers
to the appropriate handler through a linkage vector.  Much hardware does this,
in fact, so that some similar mechanism should really exist in a language that
purports to be for system programming (operating system that is) purposes.
Sigh.  It appears that one is d..ned if one does and d..ned if one doesn't.

John Winterton.