mem (11/05/82)
c Since my C comments went over so well (no replies, no comments), I might as well continue... I would love to have a good macro capability. Something on the order of the PL/I preprocessor or the macro ability of MACRO-10 (DEC-10/20 assembler). Some things in particular: - Ability to declare constants without having to give them values explicitly. That is, nested macro definition. The most common use is to assign incrementing values to a list of preprocessor variables (e.g., status codes, indexes). - Full string building facilities (this falls out of a good macro processor, anyway). - A symbol separation operator. Used to tell the preprocessor that there is a word break, but otherwise invisible. - Ability to substitute ANY string for ANY other. Never mind just symbol in the #define'd name. It would also be nice to see bit manipulation stuff in C. Not just bitfields, but actually being able to explicitly pick a particular bit and have the compiler deal with it. Mark Mallett