[net.lang.c] C Compiler for 8051 Wanted

sra@hocda.UUCP (S.ABBOT) (06/20/84)

I am looking for pointers to someone selling a C compiler for an
Intel 8051.  It must be an actual compiler, not one that converts
C code to 8051 assembler code.  Any information would be greatly
appreciated.  Please respond via electronic mail, as I may lose
my netnews contact soon.

				Scott Abbot
				AT&T Bell Laboratories, Merrimack Valley

nather@utastro.UUCP (Ed Nather) (06/22/84)

    >I am looking for pointers to someone selling a C compiler for an
    >Intel 8051.  It must be an actual compiler, not one that converts
    >C code to 8051 assembler code.
    >				Scott Abbot

...for, as everyone knows, only FAKE compilers do such a nasty thing.
Caveat Emptor.


                                 Ed Nather
                                 Astronomy Dept., U. of Texas, Austin