[net.lang.c] thoughts on &array

gnu@sun.uucp (John Gilmore) (10/10/84)

It seems like people (maybe me?) are still confused between pointers
and arrays.  It has always seemed a botch that &array didn't work -- I
remember when I first learned C, I just concluded that it was a
broken language because &foo sometimes worked, sometimes failed, and
sometimes was ignored, depending on the type of foo.

Please check my understanding:  A POINTER IS DIFFERENT FROM AN ARRAY.
If you say

	char c1[10], *cp1;
then	cp1 = c1;	works, but if you say

	char c2[10][5], **cp2;

	cp2 = c2;	it does not work; you have to say

	char c2[10][5], *(cp3[5]);

(Those who can recall C precedence may be able to remove parens above.)

In the above,	c1 is 	array of 10	char
		cp1	pointer to	char
		c2	array of 10	array of 5	char
		cp2	pointer to	pointer to	char
		cp3	pointer to	array of 5	char
(The difference between a pointer an an array is:  dereferencing an
"array of N" leaves the address alone but changes the type to "N",
while dereferencing a "pointer to N" actually gets a new address out of
storage and types that address "N".  Saying &c seems to create an
array, not a pointer, since *&c doesn't get any value out of storage.)

This has served as a rule of thumb for me for the last few years,
can a real language designer or compiler hacker tell me if I'm right?

It sounded to me like Steve Dyer was proposing that &c1 be 

		c1	array of 10	char
		&c1	array of 1	array of 10	char

just like

		c	char
		&c	array of 1	char

It sounds good to me.