[net.lang.c] Sample C Programs Wanted

mcdaniel@uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU (01/22/86)

Thanks in advance.  (As advanced as possible, in fact.)

I'm going to evaluate the possibility of "parallelizing C":  adding
language features for parallel computers and/or cobbling together an
automatic parallelizer.  I need numeric application programs coded in C
(matrix manipulations, as one example).  Also, I need programs which
manipulate various data structures:  queues, lists, graphs, trees, et
cetera.  If you would indicate how often your program(s) are run and
how much importance they have in relation to your site's workload, I'd
appreciate that too.  Since I will primarily be looking at the code, it
doesn't have to be adapted to any particular system (working code is
greatly preferred, though!).  If you have a choice, however, I'd prefer
code for BSD 4.2.


Tim McDaniel; CSRD at the Silicon Prairie
(Center for Supercomputing Research and Development at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Internet: mcdaniel@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
(Or try: mcdaniel%uicsrd.csrd@uiuc.edu)
Arpa, for old mailers: mcdaniel@Uiuc.arpa
Usenet: ...{pur-ee|ihnp4|convex}!uiucdcs!mcdaniel

larry@jpl-vlsi.arpa (01/24/86)

Before you do your own "parallelizing C" you may want to contact Flexible 
Computer Corp. in Dallas, Texas.  They sell a computer family (the Flex/32)
which contains both tightly coupled (shared memory) and loosely coupled 
(message based) 32-bit microprocessors.  For parallel processing they 
provide a parallel-C, parallel-ForTran, and Ada.

For actual code samples a good contact point might be the Cosmic Cube 
people at CalTech (Pasadena, Calif) who did a fair amount of C programming
for their hyper-cube "mini-supercomputers."

                        Larry @ jpl-vlsi

brooks@lll-crg.ARpA (Eugene D. Brooks III) (01/26/86)

In article <1892@brl-tgr.ARPA> larry@jpl-vlsi.arpa writes:
>For actual code samples a good contact point might be the Cosmic Cube 
>people at CalTech (Pasadena, Calif) who did a fair amount of C programming
>for their hyper-cube "mini-supercomputers."
These codes are good examples of what you can do with a message passing
system, without any modifications to the serial languages themselves.
They are not however, good examples of what you can do or would want to do
with the shared memory systems now appearing on the market.