[net.lang.c] lambda defs in C

rich@rexago1.UUCP (K. Richard ) (02/05/86)

I often find myself creating highly localized register variables in an
attempt to synthesize common sub expression optimization:

		register  char _q = *((x.y)->z);

		if (_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c') { ...

I also want to return values from arbitrary expressions like a for loop.
Lisp has something called a lambda definition which is something like
a local temporary function definition. Sort of like:

	if ( lambda int f(register char _q = *((x.y)->z)) {
			return(_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c');
		}	/* end of lambda def */ ) { ...


	x = lambda int f() {
		for (...) {
			return(some expression);
		}	/* for */
	}	/* lambda */

So, academically, if we were to add a simlar feature to a new dialect of C,
or to construct a pre-preprocessor for ansii C (a la C++), what problems
do you see?

K. Richard Magill

rose@think.ARPA (John Rose) (02/07/86)

(Pls. forgive/correct errs of etiquette; 1st time poster.)

In article <187@rexago1.UUCP> rich@rexago1.UUCP (K. Richard) writes:
>Lisp has something called a lambda definition which is something like
>a local temporary function definition.
>So, academically, if we were to add a simlar feature to a new dialect of C,
>... what problems do you see?
>K. Richard Magill

Yes, I've been wishing for this kind of thing too.  We probably all feel
that C macrology is greatly complicated by the "statement/expression"
distinction; extreme cleverness is sometimes required to turn control
flow into commas and question marks.  Finding temporaries to use can be
a nightmare.

Here's another reason for wanting lambda's:

Something called a "lexical closure" can provide an extremely clean way
to create special a purpose "message-handling object".  (Why are they
always called "object" or "instance" or some equally nondescript name?)
First, a digression on closures, then discussion of their relation to
"objects", finally syntax and implementation notes.

Functions may have free variables; in C, a block's free variables are
just those which are declared outside that block but used inside it.
Most languages allow you to take a block of code, declare some of its
free variables to be formal arguments, and obtain some value which you
can store and later function-call on some actual arguments to execute
the original block.  The block is usually allowed to have free variables
other than the arguments (there are often restrictions on their nature).
At the moment the function-callable value is obtained, we say that the
block is "closed", and the "bindings" of the free variables are included
in the value obtained.  This is most interesting when the free variables
are automatics declared by enclosing blocks, because this implies that
the variable must exist as long as EITHER the enclosing block OR the
value of the closed block exist.  Note that the bindings, not just the
values, are captured, in a lexical closure.  For example, if the code in
the closed block ever changes the value of a closed variable, the code
from the enclosing block can see the change, and vice versa; also,
closures made in the same activation of the enclosing block share

In many Lisps, including that of our 3600's, one passes a message to an
object by function-calling it with a special message selector as the
first argument.  Thus, objects can be declared and created in a single,
simple block of code:  (***LISP ALERT***)

	(defun make-char-deletion-stream (instream chars-to-delete)
	  ;; This program is buggy, but illustrative.
	  #'(lambda (op &rest args)
	      (loop for res = (common-lisp:apply instream op args)
		    unless (and (eq op :tyi)
				(memq res chars-to-delete))
		      return res)))

You don't need to understand Lisp to understand the following:  The
"(LOOP ...)" is the block which is closed; the value obtained is
returned as the value of the function MAKE-CHAR-DELETION-STREAM.  That
block has four free variables:  INSTREAM, CHARS-TO-DELETE, OP, and ARGS.
The last two are argument variables.  The first two are automatics which
are defined in an enclosing block.  When the LOOP block is closed (by
the "#'(LAMBDA...)" construct) the bindings of INSTREAM and
CHARS-TO-DELETE are captured; they would ordinarily disappear on exit
from MAKE-CHAR-DELETION-STREAM, but now they persist as long as the
returned closure value exists.  They are, in fact, "instance variables"
in O.O.P. sense.  But what a difference from most object oriented
languages!  There is no complicated declaration of object contents or
operations; everything is in one place.  This is not always desirable:
in C it is often necessary to have a declarations file, and perhaps
several files of implementation, for some data structure.  But for a
simple specialization of an already-defined data structure, such a
syntax cannot be beat.

So, that's why I like closures.  Now I'll say why they are not
always appropriate in plain C, but might find a place in C++.

In C, block-closings are only allowed at file top level, the closing is
done once as a static "initialization", and the "value obtained" is
permanently bound to the function symbol.  Note that all free variables
in such top-level blocks CANNOT be automatic, and have static
(indefinitely long) lifetime.  Therefore there is no reason to add the
following restriction, which I commend to your attention:  When a block
is closed, all non-argument free variables MUST have static lifetime.
In the presence of this restriction, the value of a closed block can be
implemented simply as a function pointer (to some anonymous static
function, generated by a hypothetical preprocessor).  This is because
the addresses of static-lifetime variables can be compiled into code.

If auto variables are to be closed over (something like this is necessary
to get "instance variables"), then a simple function pointer cannot represent
the closure; there must be additional information carried around which
says where to find the bindings.  Moreover, the compiler must arrange to
put captured automatic variables in the heap.  There is a lot of hair in
a good implementation of this.  C probably shouldn't allow this, because
the simple operation of closing (taking the address of) a block implies
heap-allocation, a task not regarded as primitive.  Also, captured
auto variables are really not auto, a misrepresentation which is foreign
to C (reference to a captured auto, even in the enclosing block, would
require an extra indirection to reference the heap, a hidden inefficiency).

One could also allow free automatic variables in a closure, and say that
use of them is equivalent to indirecting through a pointer taken to the
auto variable in question.  Returning such a closure (passing it "up" the
stack) is just as erroneous as returning the address of an automatic variable.
(A compiler could catch common cases of both.)  Passing a closure "down" the
stack is fine; this would be done when calling library functions like "qsort"
or Lisp "MAPCAR", which is probably a common usage.

By the way, if a variable being closed over is declared "const", the
value of the variable itself, not the binding (address of the variable),
can be put into the closure.  This can remove a restriction about
returning things "up" the stack.  It might be reasonable to do this
*always*, and require bindings, when required, to be simulated with
addresses (or C++ references).  This latter rule produces only approximate
lexical closures; it may be called "capture by value".
It eases (implementation of) "upward" closures (e.g., objects),
but "downward" closures often want to "capture by reference",
say to accumulate a count into a captured variable from inside MAPCAR.

There is a need to worry about the *type* of the closure value.
We'd like to pass it to such utilities as "qsort", but you can't store
BOTH a static function pointer AND pointer(s) to variable bindings
in a single word, and then expect it to be function callable by naive
software.  A quick solution would be to allow only one closure from
any given block to exist at a time, and have static variables for it point
to its current bindings.  This would work for "qsort", for example,
but fail if the same sort were called recursively.  (There are further
solutions here, but I'm uncomfortable with allowing only one closure.
Perhaps others aren't?) 

Another solution is to introduce a new type, which is a struct of a
function pointer and some bindings, which is function-callable in the
obvious manner.  Since this is a special case of a C++ class (with
function-calling overloaded), class-declaration syntax could be extended
(I'm still thinking about this one).  Naive code cannot accept these

The best solution would be to in fact "compile code onto the stack", to
use a hoary phrase.  The struct (or class) of the previous paragraph
would have some bytes inside it which would cause a call to some
appropriate static function (which would be the closed block).  Magic
code in the function prologue of the static function would examine the
return address and deduce the location of the struct, hence the
bindings.  If pointers to such structs are to be returned "up" the
stack, they must be put in the heap using malloc (or "new" in C++).
I've sometimes felt frustrated that in C programs the number of
functions is fixed before run time.  Function-generating functions are
useful.  I'd be willing to manage the heap storage; just give me a way
to make such things.  I will return to this below, after some syntax.

Note that if the address of a closure isn't taken, but it is just
immediately function-called, then we needn't worry about types, and
inline expansion can be done.  This would be the case with many macros.

To give an example, we must define some syntax.  I suggest *not* using a
new keyword like "lambda".  Consider the cast syntax.  Inside the parens goes
a declaration, sans declared identifier and terminating semicolon.  Well,
extend this to allow the top-level function definition syntax.  The
function body is syntactically like an initializer, which is not allowed
in a cast, so we have our choice of where to put it.  Some possibilities
(Yacc allows any, I think):

	(int /*absent_id*/(arg1, arg2) char *arg2;) { /*body*/ }
	(int /*absent_id*/(int arg1, char *arg2)) { /*body*/ }
	(int /*absent_id*/(int arg1, char *arg2) { /*body*/ })

This is an expression syntax.  The semantics are those of a function
identifier.  Syntactic precedence should be that of a parenthesized
subexpression.  I favor the last, because it is more obviously a
syntactic unit, and the contents look most like a file-level form, but
the second makes sense too, because it looks like a cast-application.
Also, the following rewrite might be considered:

	({ /*body*/ })
	==>	(appropriate_type /*absent_id*/(void) { /*body*/ })()

I.e., the closure is immediately invoked with no arguments.  The type is
deduced from all of the return statements, as with "?:".

Finally!  An example!  Here is a variant of "qsort" which is passed
a key-extraction function instead of a comparison function.

	qsort_key(vec, vec_len, vec_size, key_extract)
		void *vec; int key_extract(void *);
	{	/* Sort the vector, using the given key. */
		qsort(vec, vec_len, vec_size,
			(int (void* p, void* q) /* upward */
				{ return key_extract(p) - key_extract(q); }));

Also, one can "Curry" a function, say exponentiation:

	double (*make_myexp(const double base))(double exp)
	{	extern double pow(double,double);
		return (double (double exp) /* downward */
			{	return pow(base,exp);  });
	/* pow(x,y) == make_myexp(x)(y) */

Here's a "combinator":

	int (*curry_2_1(int (*f)(int,int), int arg1)) (int arg2)
	{	return (int (int arg2) { return f(arg1, arg2); });  }

Back to implementation.  We want to be able to create function
objects.  Since C doesn't specify primitives for creating
functions, a hypothetical pre-processor must generate
implementation-dependent code.  One can write a mixture of C and
assembler code which will initialize a piece of memory to look like a
function; this function will presumably put the arguments and the
closure's data-pointer into standard places and then call the actual
code for the block.  A simple example, for the Vax, follows the
signature below.  The callable piece of memory might be (as it is below)
the initial part of the closure's structure; subsequent parts of the
closure struct might contain pointers to the various bindings, and the
whole thing could be declared as a struct (or class).

So, that fourth argument to "sort" is simply the address of a local
structure.  In order to return such a thing, it should be saved in the
heap (or copied into a waiting buffer).  In order to be moved around, it
must be typed, sized, etc.  It may be that the thing would even object
to being moved (non-PIC, and all that).  Well, at that point it's time
to start thinking about C++, with its greater control of initialization
and assignment.

One amusing possibility to think about, regarding C++ extensions, is to
make all this happen automatically under certain conditions.  For
example, if operator() is virtual (and not overloaded), implement it as
above, so that the class is REALLY function-callable.  Also, allow
classes to be declared inside blocks, and allow the operator() member
function to contain free variables, and interpret such free variables to
generate implicit member definitions (which are copies of the original
value, or references to the original binding).

The syntaxes for lambda and expression blocks given above could then be
viewed as "sugar" for such class declarations.  Or, if C++ is not desired,
one could use small syntactic variations on the lambda construct to
control whether the closure was allocated on stack ("upward") or heap
("downward"), or data segment ("downward, but 1 at a time").  One might
use the storage class specifiers "auto", "extern", and "static",
respectively, distinguish those cases.

At this point I'll make my exit.  Cheers!

John R. Rose, Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge, MA
245 First St., Cambridge, MA  02142  (617) 876-1111 X270
rose@think.arpa				ihnp4!think!rose

/* Implementation example:  Creation of function objects. */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <frame.h>
extern _tmpl(), _tmplSize, _tmplOff, _tmplRet;
#define _TMPL_SIZE 12  /*>= ((int)&_tmplSize)*/
struct _closure { char cl_bits[_TMPL_SIZE]; };
/* _TMPL is a real function, which serves as a template for our objs. */
asm("		.text");
asm("__tmpl:	.word 0");
asm("		callg (ap), __tmpl_blank");
asm("tmplRet:	ret");
/* Set up some constants: */
asm("	.set __tmplSize, tmplEnd - __tmpl"); /* sizeof(_tmpl) */
asm("	.set __tmplRet, tmplRet - __tmpl"); /* offset of ret */
asm("	.set __tmplOff, __tmplRet - 4"); /* offset of func */
static _tmpl_blank()
{	abort();  }

/* This stuff goes into any function which is called by a _TMPL.
 * It sets up a self-pointer to point to the _TMPL.
#define _closure_decls(type,this) \
		register type* this
#define _closure_inits(type,this) \
		asm("	movl fp,r11"); \
		this = (type*)(((struct frame *)this)->fr_savpc - (int)&_tmplRet)

_init_closure(func, cl)
	void (*func)(); struct _closure *cl;
{	*cl = *(struct _closure *)_tmpl;
	*(char **)(&cl->cl_bits[(int)&_tmplOff]) +=
		(char *)func - (char *)_tmpl_blank -
		/* pc-relative: */
		((char *)cl - (char *)_tmpl);
/* Example of a closure:
   double (*make_myexp(const double base))(double exp)
   {	return (static double (double exp){ return pow(base,exp); }) }
 *** (*make_myexp(2.71828*))(x) should be equivalent to exp(x), etc. ***
 *** Curried exponentiation:  pow(x,y) == make_myexp(x)(y) ***

/* Preprocessor yields: */
struct make_myexp_cl { struct _closure cl; double base; };
static double make_myexp_1(exp)  double exp;
{	_closure_decls(struct make_myexp_cl, this);
	extern double pow();
	_closure_inits(struct make_myexp_cl, this);
	return pow(this->base, exp);
double (*make_myexp(base))()
	double base;
{	struct make_myexp_cl *r;
	r = (struct make_myexp_cl *)malloc(sizeof(struct make_myexp_cl));
	_init_closure((void (*)())make_myexp_1, &r->cl);
	r->base = base;
	return (double (*)()) r;

John R. Rose, Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge, MA
245 First St., Cambridge, MA  02142  (617) 876-1111 X270
rose@think.arpa				ihnp4!think!rose

dmiruke@isis.UUCP (Dataram Miruke) (02/07/86)

> I often find myself creating highly localized register variables in an
> attempt to synthesize common sub expression optimization:
> 	{
> 		register  char _q = *((x.y)->z);
> 		if (_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c') { ...
> I also want to return values from arbitrary expressions like a for loop.
> Lisp has something called a lambda definition which is something like
> a local temporary function definition. Sort of like:
> 	if ( lambda int f(register char _q = *((x.y)->z)) {
> 			return(_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c');
> 		}	/* end of lambda def */ ) { ...
> or
> 	x = lambda int f() {
> 		for (...) {
> 			...
> 			return(some expression);
> 			...
> 		}	/* for */
> 	}	/* lambda */
> So, academically, if we were to add a simlar feature to a new dialect of C,
> or to construct a pre-preprocessor for ansii C (a la C++), what problems
> do you see?
> K. Richard Magill
	Don't the inline functions in C++ provide a similar feature?

							- Datta Miruke

bs@alice.UucP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (02/09/86)

> From allegra!mit-eddie!think!harvard!seismo!hao!nbires!isis!dmiruke Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
> From: dmiruke@isis.UUCP (Dataram Miruke)
> Subject: Re: lambda defs in C
> Organization: University of Denver Math and Computer Science
>> I often find myself creating highly localized register variables in an
>> attempt to synthesize common sub expression optimization:
>> 	{
>> 		register  char _q = *((x.y)->z);
>> 		if (_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c') { ...
>> I also want to return values from arbitrary expressions like a for loop.
>> Lisp has something called a lambda definition which is something like
>> a local temporary function definition. Sort of like:
>> 	if ( lambda int f(register char _q = *((x.y)->z)) {
>> 			return(_q == 'a' || _q == 'b' || _q == 'c');
>> 		}	/* end of lambda def */ ) { ...
>> or
>> 	x = lambda int f() {
>> 		for (...) {
>> 			...
>> 			return(some expression);
>> 			...
>> 		}	/* for */
>> 	}	/* lambda */
>> So, academically, if we were to add a simlar feature to a new dialect of C,
>> or to construct a pre-preprocessor for ansii C (a la C++), what problems
>> do you see?
>> K. Richard Magill
>	Don't the inline functions in C++ provide a similar feature?
							- Datta Miruke
Yes, the following is legal C++

	inline int f()
 		for (...) {
 			return(some expression);


However, the current implementation cannot handle loops or switches
in an inline, so you get a ``sorry, not implemented'' message. Sorry,
we will have to wait a bit longer. The non-looping example can be
handled quite nicely using an inline. Inline functions differ from lambdas
in that they must be defined (outside any function) before they can be used.

	- Bjarne Stroustrup (AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill).

PS Calling the current C++ implementation a pre-processor for C is as accurate
	as calling C a pre-processor for the assembler. The C++ front-end does
	a complete typecheck and performs non-trivial code transformations (like
	inline expansion). It relies on the underlying C compiler for the part of
	the code generation process (only). ANY message from the C compiler is
	considered a C++ compiler bug.