[net.lang.c] ANSI C Draft

cottrell@NBS-VMS.ARPA (COTTRELL, JAMES) (02/27/86)

I tried to mail this to mod.std.c, but I forgot their address, and
both permutations I tried didn't work, so here it is worldwide!

To The Authorities:

Here is a message I received about my posting on the ANSI C Draft.
Please give it due consideration:

Return-Path: <KLH@SRI-NIC.ARPA>
Received: from SRI-NIC.ARPA by NBS-VMS.ARPA ; 23 Feb 86 19:27:27 EST
Date: Fri 21 Feb 86 15:03:34-PST
From: Ken Harrenstien <KLH@SRI-NIC.ARPA>
Subject: ANSI C Draft
To: cottrell@NBS-VMS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from ""COTTRELL, JAMES" <cottrell@nbs-vms.arpa>" 
	of Thu 6 Feb 86 14:34:00-PST
Message-ID: <12185229280.26.KLH@SRI-NIC.ARPA>

I noticed your message about the ANSI C standard draft.  I don't know
who you were replying to, as I don't follow INFO-C all of the time
(most of it is irrelevant).  However, I can say that the NIC would be
happy to make any such on-line documents available to the Internet
community at large, just as we do for RFCs.  We also have OCR hardware
for scanning paper documents to convert them into on-line form, and
could readily do this for the ANSI C standard drafts if they are not
too complex graphically.  All that is needed is agreement.

I share your feelings about the absurdity of asking for comments in an
electronic medium about a document that presumably is also created
electronically, and then refusing to provide it in any form other than
hard-copy.  A handling charge for paper is understandable (even the
NIC now does this) but the cost and the way they have set things up
makes them look pretty bad.

If you can give me the appropriate address or phone number of someone to
contact, we will try to arrange something.


	Yours Truly,

		jim		cottrell@nbs

jsdy@hadron.UUCP (Joseph S. D. Yao) (03/12/86)

I'm amazed that there isn't any more support for putting the
ANSI C draft on the NIC (Network Information Centre).  This
is a great way to make it available to half the community,
who can then mail it to the other half.  Let's do it!

Jim Cottrell, apologies for anything nasty I ever said or will
say about you!		[;-)]

	Joe Yao		hadron!jsdy@seismo.{CSS.GOV,ARPA,UUCP}

gaspar@ALMSA-1.ARPA (Al Gaspar) (03/14/86)

I agree.  It would be nice to have it out there.  We might eliminate
some of the postings that ask what the ANSI Standard says :-).

Al Gaspar	<gaspar@almsa-1.arpa>
USAMC ALMSA, ATTN:  AMXAL-OW, Box 1578, St. Louis, MO  63188-1578
COMMERCIAL:  (314) 263-5118	AUTOVON:  693-5118

woody%Juliet.Caltech.Edu@cit-hamlet.ARPA (03/14/86)

Yeah, I'm all for posting the ANSI C Draft out there--then I'll know what
all the shootin' is about!
         - William Woody
      NET  Woody%Romeo@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu
   USNAIL  1-54 Lloyd, Caltech / Pasadena, CA 91126

meissner@dg_rtp.UUCP (Michael Meissner) (04/01/86)

In article <296@hadron.UUCP> jsdy@hadron.UUCP (Joseph S. D. Yao) writes:

>I'm amazed that there isn't any more support for putting the
>ANSI C draft on the NIC (Network Information Centre).  This
>is a great way to make it available to half the community,
>who can then mail it to the other half.  Let's do it!

The ANSI X3J11 committee looked at doing this, but we can't for political
reasons.  Namely, one of the parent committees, which has veto control over
the standards process, gets it's money by selling copies of the standards
and draft standards.

rbj@icst-cmr (Root Boy Jim) (04/09/86)

	In article <296@hadron.UUCP> jsdy@hadron.UUCP (Joseph S. D. Yao) writes:
	>I'm amazed that there isn't any more support for putting the
	>ANSI C draft on the NIC (Network Information Centre).  This
	>is a great way to make it available to half the community,
	>who can then mail it to the other half.  Let's do it!
	The ANSI X3J11 committee looked at doing this, but we can't for political
	reasons.  Namely, one of the parent committees, which has veto control over
	the standards process, gets it's money by selling copies of the standards
	and draft standards.
As the one who started this, *that's* what I'm complaining about. If you
want people to follow standards, make them available. For Free.

Larry Rosler offered free copies once, and delivered.

I can't believe said committee gets ALL of its money from sales.
What percentage of it's funding comes from sales, and where does the
rest of it come from?

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj@cmr>
	Baseball in D.C. in `87!