[net.lang.c] Posting errors

woody@romeo.caltech.edu (William E. Woody) (04/15/86)

> As I've said before, puh*LEEZE* be more careful, and (where possible)
> *TYPECHECK* *POSTED* *EXAMPLES* (with lint at least, and maybe more if
> you've got more).

  Okay, so I erred.  Didn't you read my correction note sent about a day
  It was indeed a typo, and running it through lint does indeed barf, and
the world will probably land on me like a brick (as if I didn't get enough
mail asking why I didn't read K&R more closely--gee, I'm only a simple
College student, after all...)

  By the way, my spelling checker barfed on the key words

  I apologize for anyone who used my misinformation and caused himself
about two weeks of undue grief trying to chase bugs down in that major
program he's been working on, thereby causing his boss to land on HIM
like a brick...
         - William Woody
      NET  Woody%Romeo@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu
   USNAIL  1-54 Lloyd, Caltech / Pasadena, CA 91126