twt (11/19/82)
#N:uicsl:5300001:000:538 uicsl!twt Nov 18 19:18:00 1982 I currently own a Bally Arcade video game system. This system was brought out by the arcade game maker Bally/Midway back in 1977, and has since been taken over by a company called Astrocade out of Columbus,OH. I am looking for anyone who has any information about new cartridges or add-ons for the system. Also, I seem to remember that there was at one time a user group for the system, and I would like to locate some information on it also. Please relpy via mail or the net. Thanks Tom Todd decvax!pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiuccsl!twt
stocker (11/19/82)
Anyone wanting more info on the Bally/Astrocade Unit can contact me directly through the net or the great user's group: ARCADIANS 3626 Morrie Drive San Jose, CA 95127 For any of you who may have a Bally (a machine far ahead of its time in 1977 and still competitive now if you can find them) and have not checked on hardware/software for the past two years or so, it would be worth your while to do so. dave pur-ee!stocker
mark (11/20/82)
I live in Columbus, Ohio, but I had never heard of Bally Astrocade before reading this month's Consumer Reports. How come they are so unheard of? CR rated them better than Atari, Intellivision, and Odyssey. The Atari 5200 and Colecovision were not out at the time.