[net.games.video] Video Games Satires

knudsen (11/13/82)

Anyone who reads this group regularly should run right out and buy
the Harvard Lampoon's parody of Newsweek magazine.
It looks like the real thing, but front cover has 3 pretty girls
with a nuclear explosion in background.
Two "articles":  a review of "Pac-Man: The Motion Picture" and
a close-to-being-real in-depth report on the VidWids, a group
of women who are rebelling against their husbands and lovers
spending all their time on games and not on women.
They picket arcades carrying signs ("quit the pacman, hit the sack, man!"
and pose nude atop the machines (so far nobody's noticed!), etc.
Rest of rag is up to usual Lampoon sstandards.

Other parody is a thinking Christian's magazine called 
The Wittenburg Door, with a spread of vid games for fundamentalist
evangelist preachers (who are being satirized).  There are great
"photos" of the arcade game screens for "Battle for Bible Zone",
"Tract-Man", "Creationist Monkey Kong", etc etc.
My ribs still ache -- you'll love it. -- mike k