knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (03/29/84)
People have asked me about the buzzing sound(s) that Vectrx makes while running. Some even thought there was something wrong. Well, the three units I've seen all do it the same. The buzz is independent of volume setting, so cranking up the knob all the way is a big help, if family can stand it. The buzz must be getting in between the GI sound chip on the lower PC board and the audio power amp IC on the side board. Noise comes from the deflection amps, and you can hear it change pitch-- gets way down when the system is very busy, and more complex when there is lots of stuff on the screen. Helps give you a feel for how hard the machine is working at any moment, but yes, it is a PEST. You who have tapped off the audio into your stereo system-- how much of the buzz comes thru there? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with your machine, just cheap (ain't we glad?) mike k
richard@dartvax.UUCP (Richard A. Brown) (03/30/84)
[sacrificial line to the great Letter Eater] Over the last few months I've noticed this net has been dominated by the supporters and hackers of the vectrex system. I have a simple question, and pardon me if it is too obvious: With this type of support, why is it no longer being made? Finincial problems? Thanx, it's just something I've been wondering about... --- -- ----- From the land of Stefen King: ...decvax!dartvax!richard, Richard Brown, Dartmouth College
gnome@olivee.UUCP (Gary Traveis) (03/30/84)
I was told that the buzzing was not from leakage (into the audio section) but from impulse loading on the power supply. I haven't tried to beef up the supply because of the hassle/ugliness aspects. I hope to scope around and see what's going on in the little criiter. Gary