[net.games.video] Arcade Video Games

rls@ihu1g.UUCP (r.l. schieve) (05/23/85)

> /**** prism:net.games.vide / decwrl!miller /  3:05 pm  May 85, 19783 ****/
> Over the past few years I have been reconditioning, enjoying and
> accumulating real arcade games.  This started with one pinball but latest
> count is 8 (from a high of about 16) various machines with another on the way.
> Though home video's and computer games are good ,I contend that there is
> nothing like playing a dedicated Arcade machine.

> Fireball      Anyone know where I can find one :-)   great machine..still
> 	      looking.
> =======		Ron Miller (Silver Ball forever)
> l oo 'l		
> l*  *ll		Digital Equipment Corporation
> l >< ll		
> l\  /ll         {decvax, ucbvax, allegra}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-prism!miller

As I have posted before there are at least two good sources for old
arcade games and associated parts and schematics in Chicago:

	World Wide Distributors
	Bally Midwest

Both are a few miles north of 290 about 3 to 5 miles short of the loop.
World wide caters more to individuals wanting to buy and both supply
Arcade owners.  World Wide will even connect you directly to and Arcade
owner with a game to sell.  Pins usually start higher than regular games
but yo are not the only one with a collection in your basement.  I have
the phone numbers and addresses at home if you want them.

Half the fun is fixing them, and lighting them all up at once!

				Rick Schieve