dolf@uva.UUCP (Dolf Starreveld) (10/03/84)
Together with Len Tower at Intermetrics Inc., I have compiled a bibliography fro Modula-2. It is quite extensive and uses many sources. It is being updated regularly and I will post updates each time enough new entries have accumulated. If you know of any interesting material not yet included in the bibliography, please mail complete info to me, so that I can consider adding it. Please also mail any errors you find. Feel free to ask questions, I will answer if possible. Below follows the actual bibliography: Dolf Starreveld Computer Science Department University of Amsterdam The Netherlands {philabs, decvax}!mcvax!uva!dolf ------------------------------------------------------------------ %A D. Starreveld {philabs, decvax}!mcvax!uva!dolf %A L. Tower Jr. {ihnp4, harpo}!inmet!tower %T Modula-2 and Modula Bibliography %O This is a fake entry to serve as a header for the file. Entries are arranged alphabetically by lead author. and on ascending date of publication for each lead author. -- Several nroff font change commands are used in the %O fields: \fI - italic \fR - roman -- Some references have holes. %X fields indicates the worst of them. -- Words in some languages require diacritical marks. These are defined here using the me macro package's strings: \\*: - Produces an umlaut above the preceding character \\*' - Produces an acute accent above the preceding character \\*` - Produces a grave accent above the preceding character When a photo-type setter is available these strings cause no problems, but on other devices the effect of them may be: nil - requiring manual correction in the final print-out. ugly - requiring a sed filter to remove the me strings, and then manual correction in the final print-out. -- %A J.E. Allchin %T Modula and a Question of Time %J IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering %V SE-6 %N 4 %P 390-391 %D July 1980 %O Modula is reviewed for its ability to support the wide variety of time usages required in a process control system. %L All80 %K modula process control %A U. Ammann %T Modula-2: Eine Maschinennahe, Modulare Programmiersprache [Modula-2: a Machine-oriented, Modular Programming Language] %J Electronik %V 32 %N 9 %P 65-68 %D 6 May 1983 %L Amm84 %K modula-2 %A J. Amsterdam %T Forth, APL, Modula-2, Smalltalk, Prolog: Computer Languages of the Future %J Popular Computing %V 2 %N 11 %D September 1983 %P 136-151 %L Ams83 %K modula-2 apl forth smalltalk prolog %A T.L. Anderson %T Seven Modula-2 Compilers Reviewed %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %P 38-43,48 %D March/April 1984 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %O Includes benchmarks for 7 Modula-2 and 1 Pascal implementations. %L And84 %K modula-2 %A E. Astor %T Component Control for a High-Level Language %J Microprocess Microprogram %V 9 %N 2 %P 85-92 %D February 1982 %O This article describes an extension to Modula-2 for component control. %L Ast82 %K modula-2 %A A.J. Bernstein %A J.R. Ensor %T Modula Based Language Supporting Hierarchical Development and Verification %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 11 %N 3 %P 237-255 %D March l981 %O The language SB-Mod is described. It is a modification to Modula, which allows the grouping of modules into levels. %L Ber81 %K modula SB-Mod %A A.W. Brown %A R.E. Gleaves %T Modula-2: Pascal's powerful heir %J Mini-Micro Systems %V 16 %N 10 %D September 1983 %P 183-186 %L Bro83 %K modula-2 %A A.W. Brown %A R.E. Gleaves %T Guest Editorial on Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 3 %D May/June 1984 %P 5 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Bro84 %K modula-2 %A R. Cailliau %T Letter to the editor %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %V 17 %N 12 %P 10-11 %D December 1982 %O The author comments on D. Spector's August 1982 \fIACM SIGPLAN Notices\fR article. %L Cai82 %K modula-2 P+ %A D. Carlisle %T Using Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 3 %P 44-48 %D May/June 1983 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Car83 %K modula-2 %A R. Clark %A S. Koehler %T The UCSD Pascal Handbook %D 1982 %O ISBN 0-13-935544-8 (hard-cover), ISBN 0-13-935536-7 (paper-back). %I Prentice Hall, Inc. %C Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 %L Cla82 %K pascal ucsd %A D. Coar %T A Brief Comparison of Pascal and Modula-2 %J Northcon/83, Electronics Show and Convention %C Portland, OR %D May 1983 %L Coa83 %K pascal modula-2 %A D. Coar %T Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 215-232 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Coa84 %K ada pascal modula-2 %A R.P. Cook %T Abstractions for Distributed Programming %J Computer Languages %V 6 %N 3-4 %P 131-138 %D 1981 %O The Star Mod language is described. This language is based on Modula and is designed to provide its users with abstractions for distributed processing. %L Coo81 %K modula Star Mod %A R.P. Cook %A T.J. LeBlanc %T A Symbol Table Abstraction to Implement Languages with Explicit Scope Control %J IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering %V SE-9 %N 1 %P 8-12 %D January 1983 %O Presents a symbol table abstraction useful for implementing Modula-2 and other languages with explicit scope control. %L Coo83 %K modula-2 ada euclid mesa modula lexical level %A J.M. Craig %T The Modula Computer: The Commercial Lilith %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 3 %P 40 %D May/June 1983 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Cra83 %K modula-2 %A T. DeMarco %T Modula-2, Why it Matters %J The Yourdon Report %P 1-2 %D March/April 1981 %O Reprinted as 'Prospectus' in the \fIJournal of Pascal & Ada\fR, September/October 1981. %I Yourdon, Inc. %C New York, NY 10036 %L DeM81 %K modula-2 %A E. Eldred %T Software Review: Volition System's Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 6 %D June 1984 %P 353-364 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Eld84 %K modula-2 %A V.S. Foster %T Mid-Level Language for Microprocessors %J Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the ACM %C Washington, DC %P 526-529 %D 4-6 December 1978 %O Published by the ACM, New York, NY. The language MIDAS is described. Its basic structure was developed from Modula and Pascal. %L Fos78 %K modula Pascal MIDAS %A L. Geissmann %T Modulkonzept und separate Compilation in der Programmiersprache Modula-2 %B Microcomputing %E W. Remmele, H. Schecher %P 98-114 %D 1979 %I Teubner-Verlag %C Stuttgart, West Germany %L Gei79 %K modula-2 %A L. Geissmann %T Implementation of Separate Compilation in the Modula-2 Compiler %J Implementierung PASCAL-artiger Programmiersprachen %E H. Langmaack, B. Schlender, J.W. Schmidt %I Teubner-Verlag %C Stuttgart, West Germany %D 1982 %L Gei82a %K modula-2 %A L. Geissmann %A J. Hoppe %A C. Jacobi %A S.E. Knudsen %A W. Winiger %A N. Wirth %T Lilith Handbook - A Guide for Lilith Users and Programmers %D 1982 %I Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik, ETH %C Zu\\*:rich %L Gei82b %K modula-2 lilith %A L. Geissmann %T Separate Compilation in Modula-2 and the structure of the Modula-2 Compiler on the Lilith %R Dissertation ETH, Nr. 7286 %I ETH Zu\\*:rich, Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik %C Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland %D 1983 %L Gei83 %K modula-2 %A R. Gleaves %T Modula-2 User's Manual %D 1982 %I Volition Systems %C Del Mar, CA 92014 %L Gle82 %K modula-2 %A R. Gleaves %T Structured language eases systems-programming tasks %J Electronics %V 56 %N 19 %D 22 September 1983 %P 131-134 %L Gle83 %K modula-2 %A R. Gleaves %T Modula-2 for Pascal Programmers %D ? 1984 %I Springer Verlag %C New York, Heidelberg, Berlin %L Gle84 %X verify %D %K modula-2 pascal %A S. Greenfield %T An Introduction to Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 3 %D May/June 1984 %P 36-40 %O Contains source code for implementing a quiz authoring and administrating system. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Gre84 %K modula-2 %A J. Gutknecht %A W. Werner %T Andra: The Document Preparation System of the Personal Workstation Lilith %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 14 %N 1 %D January 1984 %P 73-100 %O An example of the design of a software system using Modula-2 %L Gut84a %K modula-2 lilith formatting word processing %A J. Gutknecht %T Tutorial on Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 157-176 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Gut84b %K modula-2 %A A.N. Habermann %T Critical Comments on the Programming Language Pascal %J Acta Informatica %V 3 %D 1973 %P 47-57 %L Hab73 %K pascal %A P.H. Hartel %T Comparing Pascal and Modula-2 as Systems Programming Languages %J Programming Languages and System Design %E J. Bormann %I North Holland %C Amsterdam - The Netherlands, New York NY. %D 1983 %L Har83a %K pascal modula-2 %A P.H. Hartel %T Le Language Modula-2, concepts et expe\\*'rience %J Forum sur la Micro Informatique en physique nucle\\*'aire et physique des particules %E G. Fontaine %D September 1983 %I College de France %C Paris %L Har83b %K modula-2 %A P.H. Hartel %A D. Starreveld %T Modula-2 implementation overview %O To be published %O Available from the authors on request %O This article includes Wirth's proposed benchmark results on almost all implementations and various processors (VAX, PDP, 6800, 68000, Z80, 6502, Lilith, Perq, CDC Cyber). %L Har84 %K modula-2 implementations %A M. Hofkin %A B. Hofkin %T Ada, Modula-2, and Modern Software Engineering %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 36 %P 17-22 %D November/December 1982 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof82 %K modula-2 ada %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 2 %P 25 %D March/April 1983 %O Lists Modula-2 implementors. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof83a %K modula-2 %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 3 %P 20 %D May/June 1983 %O Discusses program design with Modula-2 and concurrency. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof83b %K modula-2 %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 4 %P 20,48 %D July/August 1983 %O Discusses handling programs too large for memory on micro-computers. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof83c %K modula-2 %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 6 %P 20 %D November/December 1983 %O Discusses procedure type variables. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof83d %K modula-2 %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 3 %N 1 %P 15 %D January/February 1984 %O Discusses information hiding in Modula-2. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof84a %K modula-2 %A M. Hofkin %T Modula Matters %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %P 16 %D March/April 1984 %O Discusses several disadvantages of Modula-2. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Hof84b %K modula-2 %A J. Holden %A I.C. Wand %T An Assessment of Modula %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 10 %N 8 %D August 1980 %P 593-621 %L Hol80 %K modula real-time %A J. Hoppe %T Comparison of Modula with Other System Programming Languages %J Proceeding of the International Computer Symposium %C Liege, Belgium %P 129-133 %D 4-7 April 1977 %O Published by North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, Holland and New York, NY. %L Hop78 %K modula-2 %A J. Hoppe %T Simple Nucleus Written in Modula-2: A Case Study %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 10 %N 9 %D 1980 %P 697-706 %O A simple kernal for single processor computer is presented. It has comparable performance with other kernals written in assembly language. %L Hop80 %K kernal modula-2 %A C. Jacobi %T The Lilith Architecture, its Design in View of Code Generation %J Implementierung PASCAL-artiger Programmiersprachen %E H. Langmaack, B. Schlender, J.W. Schmidt %I Teubner-Verlag %C Stuttgart, West Germany %D 1982 %L Jac82a %K modula-2 %A C. Jacobi %T Code Generation and Lilith Architecture %R Dissertation ETH, Nr. 7195 %I ETH Zu\\*:rich, Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik %C Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland %D 1982 %L Jac82b %K modula-2 %A C. Jacobs %T Modula-2/86 %J Computer Language %V 1 %N 1 %P 71-74 %D 1984 %O This article reviews Logitech's IBM-PC implementation of Modula-2. %I CL Publications, Inc. %C San Francisco, CA 94107 %L Jac84 %K modula-2 logitech %A L. Jacobsen %A B. White %T An Introduction to Modula-2 for Pascal Programmers %J Pascal News %N 26 %D July 1983 %P 37-40 %I Pascal Users Group %L Jac83 %K modula-2 pascal %A K. Jensen %A N. Wirth %T Pascal User Manual and Report %D 1975 %I Springer Verlag %C New York, Heidelberg, Berlin %O ISBN 0-387-90144-2 New York, ISBN 3-540-90144-2 Berlin. %L Jen75 %K pascal %A M.C. Johnson %A A. Munro %T Pascal's Design Flaw, Modula-2 Solutions and Pascal Patches %J BYTE %V 9 %N 3 %D March 1984 %P 371-388 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Joh84 %K modula-2 pascal ucsd %A M. Joseph %T Towards More General Implementation Languages for Operating Systems %J Operating System - Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium %C Rocquencourt, France %P 321-331 %D 2-4 October 1978 %O The author reviews the suitability of Concurrent Pascal and Modula for operating system implementation. %L Jos78 %K modula Concurrent Pascal %A E. Joyce %T Software Review: Volition's Modula-2 on the Sage %J BYTE %V 9 %N 10 %D September 1984 %P 351-353 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Joy84 %K modula-2 %A B. Kernighan %T Why Pascal is Not My Favority Programming Language %R Computing Science Technical Report No. 100 %I Bell Laboratories %D 18 July 1981 %L Ker81 %K pascal %A J. Koch %A M. Mall %A P. Putfarken %T Modula-2 fu\\*:r die VAX: Beschreibung einer System u\\*:bertragung %J Implementierung PASCAL-artiger Programmiersprachen %E H. Langmaack, B. Schendler, J.W. Schmidt %D 1982 %I Teubner-Verlag %C Stuttgart, West Germany %L Koc82 %K modula-2 vax %A P. Koopman %A C. Johnson %T Modula-II Impetus Grows %J Electronic Engineering Times %D 13 September 1982 %P 66 %L Koo82 %K modula-2 %A O. Lecrame %A P. Desjardins %T Reply to a paper by A.N. Habermann %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %D October 1974 %P 21-27 %L Lec74 %K modula-2 %A G. Lindeijer %T Modula-2 on a MC68000 microprocessor with the use of the SMILER-2 cross-compiler %R Doctoraalscriptie Wiskunde %D June 1983 %I Universiteit van Amsterdam %C Amsterdam %L Lin83 %K modula-2 68k 68000 %A A.C.W. Ma %A D.T. Barnard %T Experience with Verification of Parallel Modula Programs %J INFOR Journal/CORS %V 21 %N 3 %P 195-202 %D August 1983 %O The application of Hoare-style proof rules for the programming language Modula in the verification of two concurrent programs is described. In particular, a reasonably large (350 lines) system program was verified. %L Ma83 %K modula verification concurrent %A G. Maier %T Modeb: A Real-Time Operating System Kernal Written in the High-Level Programming Language Modula-2 %J Proceedings of the Third IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Software for Computer Control %C Madrid, Spain %D 5-8 October 1983 %O Performance was found more than adequate for real-time data acquisition and control. %L Mai83 %K modula-2 %A R. Marti %T Die Programmiersprache Modula-2 %J Informatik-Bulletin %V 39 %D October 1982 %I ETH Zu\\*:rich, Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik %C Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland %L Mar82 %K modula-2 %A J. McCormack %A R. Gleaves %T Modula-2: A worthy successor to Pascal %J BYTE %V 8 %N 4 %D April 1983 %P 385-395 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L McC83 %K modula-2 %A J.G. Mitchell %A W. Maybury %A R.E. Sweet %T Mesa Language Manual %R Technical Report CSL-79-3 %D April 1979 %I Xerox Palo Alto Research Center %C Palo Alto, CA %L Mit79 %K mesa %A R. Ohran %T Lilith and Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 181-192 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Ohr84 %K modula-2 lilith %A J.W.L. Oglive %T Petri Net Simulation Using Modula-2 Sets %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 5 %P 35-37 %D September/October 1983 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Ogl83b %K modula-2 life sets petri nets %A J.W.L. Oglive %T Life in Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 4 %P 33-35,41 %D July/August 1983 %O Implementation of John Conway's Population Simulation Game. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Ogl83a %K modula-2 life %A J.W.L. Oglive %T Modula-to-Ada Type Translation %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 3 %N 1 %P 30-32,36 %D January/February 1984 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Ogl84 %K modula-2 %A R.J. Paul %T An Introduction to Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 195-210 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Pau84 %K modula-2 %A J. Pournelle %T User's Column %J BYTE %V 8 %N 5 %D May 1983 %P 324 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Pou83a %K modula-2 %A J. Pournelle %T The Debate Goes On ... %J BYTE %V 8 %N 8 %D August 1983 %P 312-328 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %O The author examines the future of programming languages on micro-computers. He evaluates 9 of the most popular languages, and concludes that Modula-2 holds the most promise for the future. %L Pou83b %K modula-2 basic ada lisp cobol fortran pl/I c pascal %A J. Pournelle %T The West Coast Faire %J BYTE %V 9 %N 7 %D July 1984 %P 136-137, 376-382 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Pou84 %K modula-2 %A M.L. Powell %T A Portable Optimizing Compiler for Modula-2 %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %V 19 %N 6 %D June 1984 %P 310-318 %L Pow84a %K modula-2 %A M.L. Powell %T Using Modula-2 for Systems Programming with UNIX %J 1984 Summer Conference Proceedings of USENIX %D 1984 %L Pow84b %K modula-2 %A I.C. Pyle %T Input/Output in High Level Programming Languages %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 9 %N 11 %D November 1979 %P 907-914 %O Includes data on the use of Modula-2 for I/O systems. %L Pyl79 %K modula-2 %A A.P. Ravn %T Device Monitors %J IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering %V SE-6 %N 1 %P 49-53 %D January 1980 %O A general survey of input/output device drivers. Device monitors are compared with Modula's device processes. %L Rav80 %K modula-2 %A M. Reitenspiess %A G. Rupprecht %T Modula-2 als Basis einer Spezifikations und Implementationsmethode fu\\*:r Abstrake Datatypen [Modula-2 as a Basis for a Specification and Implementation Method for Abstract Data Types] %J Angewandte Informatik/Applied Informatics %V 25 %N 5 %P 206-212 %D May 1983 %L Rei83 %K modula-2 %A C. Runciman %T Modula and a Vision Laboratory %J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies %V 14 %N 3 %P 371-386 %D April 1981 %O A vision laboratory control program, VRW, is described. It is shown that Modula is a very attractive language for the writing of laboratory and experimental control programs. %L Run81 %K modula %A S. Russell %A A. Amin %T An Error-Correcting LL(1) Parser Generator %J Aust. Comp. Sci. Commun. %V 5 %N 1 %D February 1983 %P 163-165 %O Also published in the \fIProceedings of the 6th Australian Computer Science Conference\fR. Describes the construction of a recursive descent parser for Modula-2. %L Rus83 %K modula-2 %A R.C. Schiffman %T The Ideal Architecture for Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 3 %P 41-43,48 %D May/June 1983 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Sch83a %K modula-2 %A M. Schindler %T Pascal's originator designs innovative development system %J Electronic Design %D 16 April 1981 %P 35-36 %L Sch81 %K modula-2 %A J.W. Schmidt %A M. Reimer %A P. Putfarken %A M. Mall %A J. Koch %A M. Jarke %T Research in Database Programming: Language Constructs and Execution Models %J Database Eng. %V 6 %N 2 %P 68-73 %D June 1983 %O The Database Programming Language is described. The language compiler, query optimizer, and concurrency manager are being implemented in Modula-2. %L Sch83b %K modula-2 %A R.L. Schoenfeld %T Programming Discipline for Laboratory Computing %J IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering %V BME-30 %N 5 %P 257-270 %D May 1983 %O A number of applications are described, in which the programming language Modula was used, are described. The strengths and limitations of Modula are evaluated. %L Sch83c %K modula %A N.C. Shammas %T Modula-2: No Strings Attached! %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %P 44-47 %D March/April 1984 %O A discussion of a strings library implementation. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Sha84a %K modula-2 %A N.C. Shammas %T Exploring Ada and Modula-2 %J Computer Language %V 1 %N 1 %P 51-60 %D 1984 %I CL Publications, Inc. %C San Francisco, CA 94107 %L Sha84b %K modula-2 ada %A C.H. Smedema %A P. Medema %A M. Boasson %T The Programming Languages: Pascal, Modula, CHILL, Ada %I Prentice-Hall International %D ? 1984 %O ISBN 0-13-729756-4. %L Sme84 %X verify %D %K pascal modula modula-2 chill ada %A D. Spector %T Ambiguities and Insecurities in Modula-2 %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %V 17 %N 8 %D August 1982 %P 43-51 %O Examines the advantages of Modula-2. Critiques the language and the language manual, pointing out their deficiencies. %L Spe82 %K modula-2 %A D. Starreveld %T Modula-2 progress report %R Internal report %I Universiteit van Amsterdam %C Amsterdam, Holland %D May 1983 %L Sta83 %K modula-2 68k 68000 %A P.D. Stotts, jr. %T A Comparative Survey of Concurrent Programming Languages %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %V 17 %N 9 %D September 1982 %P 76-87 %L Sto83 %K path pascal modula-2 modula gypsy dp csp concurrent plits edison mesa ada %A K. Strehlo %T Modula-2 moves from the lab to the market %J Mini-Micro Systems %D May 1982 %P 153-156 %L Str82 %K modula-2 %A R.T. Sumner %A R.E. Gleaves %T Modula-2 - A Solution to Pascal's Problems %J ACM SIGPLAN Notices %V 17 %N 9 %D September 1982 %P 28-43 %O Reprinted in the \fIJournal of Pascal & Ada\fR, September/October 1982. %L Sum82 %K modula-2 pascal %A N. Thalmann %A L. Gingras %A D. Thalmann %T Implementation of Simulation Models in Small Processes %J Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers in Control %P 78-82 %D 8-9 January 1979 %C San Diego, CA %O Published by ACTA Press, Anaheim, CA and Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland. The authors analyze the usefulness of Pascal, Concurrent Pascal and Modula for writing simulation programs. %L Tha79 %K modula Concurrent Pascal %A H.W. Thomas %T Design and Performance of a Simple Nucleus for Real Time Control Applications. %J Software Microsystems %V 1 %N 6 %D October 1982 %P 160-166 %O ISBN 0-86341-016-2. It is shown that Modula-2 is sufficient for programming the kernal of a real-time operating system. Timing tests compare favorably with an assembly language coded version. %L Tho82 %K modula-2 real time programming nucleus kernal %A H.W. Thomas %T Modula-2 Control Applications. %E P. DePledge %B Software Engineering for Micro-processor Systems %I Peter Pergrinus %C London, England %D 1984 %P 160-166 %O A thorough examination of Modula-2 and its advantages over Pascal. %L Tho84 %K modula-2 pascal %A Unknown %T Modula-2/86 %D 1983 %I Logitech S.A. %C Apples, Switzerland %O Users manual for the Modula-2 implementation on 8086 based systems %L Unk83a %K modula-2 8086 %A Unknown %T Graphics Kernel System (GKS) - Functional Description %J ISO/TC draft document %D 1983 %I International Organisation for Standardisation %L Unk83b %K GKS %A Unknown %T Announcements - An Item on Modula-2 %J Pascal News %N 24 %D January 1983 %P 24 %I Pascal Users Group %O Implementations from ETH, and Univ. of New South Wales. %L Unk83c %K modula-2 January %A Unknown %T Announcements - An Item on Modula-2 %J Pascal News %N 25 %D April 1983 %P 24 %I Pascal Users Group %O Implementation from Volition Systems. %L Unk83d %K modula-2 April %A Unknown %T Announcements - Various Items on Modula-2 %J Pascal News %N 26 %D July 1983 %P 42-46 %I Pascal Users Group %L Unk83e %K modula-2 %A Unknown %T Modula-2 Announcements %J Pascal & Modula-2 %N 27 %D November 1983 %P 37-40 %I Pascal Users Group & Modula-2 Users Group %L Unk83f %K modula-2 November %A Unknown %T New Developments: Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 6 %D November/December 1983 %P 12 %O This article reviews Modula-2 implementations by the Modula Research Institute, and JRT Systems, Inc. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Unk83g %K modula-2 November December %A Unknown %T Tartan Laboratories Advertisement %J Unix/World %V 1 %N 3 %D 1984 %P 90 %L Unk84a %K modula-2 C %A Unknown %T New Developments: Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %D March/April 1984 %P 11 %O This article reviews Modula-2 implementations by Tartan Laboratories, and Volition Systems. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Unk84b %K modula-2 march %A Unknown %T JRT Systems, Inc. Advertisement %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %D March/April 1984 %P 16 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Unk84c %K modula-2 march %A Unknown %T New Developments: Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 3 %D May/June 1984 %P 8,11 %O This article revies Modula-2 Implementations by DEC, JRT Systems, and Tartan Laboratories. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Unk84d %K modula-2 mayjune %A Unknown %T Logitech Advertisement %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 317 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Unk84e %K modula-2 %A Unknown %T Modula Corporation Advertisement %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 69 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Unk84f %K modula-2 %A I.C. Wand %T Dynamic Resource Allocation and Supervision with the Programming Language Modula %J Computer Journal %V 23 %N 2 %P 147-152 %D May 1980 %L Wan80 %K modula-2 %A S.C. Wei %T Tactics for Programming in Real Time %J Comput Mech Eng %V 1 %N 3 %P 47-49 %D January 1983 %O This articles examines the problems real-time programmers have when they can not use a programming language such as Modula-2. %L Wei83 %K modula-2 %A J. Welsh %A W.J. Sneeringer %A C.A.R. Hoare %T Ambiguities and Insecurities in Pascal %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 7 %D 1977 %P 685-696 %L Wel77 %K pascal %A R.S. Wiener %T Dynamic Multi-dimensional Arrays in Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 2 %N 6 %P 43-46,48 %D November/December 1983 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Wie83 %K modula-2 array %A R.S. Wiener %A R.F. Sincovec %T Software Engineering with Modula-2 and Ada %I John Wiley and Sons %D January 1984 %L Wie84a %K modula-2 ada %A R.S. Wiener %T Generic Sorting in Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal & Ada %V 3 %N 1 %P 33-36 %D January/February 1984 %O Also published in \fIACM SIGPLAN Notices\fR, Vol. 19, No. 3, March 1984. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Wie84b %K modula-2 sorting generic %A R.S. Wiener %T Guest Editorial on Software Engineering Practices %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 2 %D March/April 1984 %P 5 %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Wie84c %K modula-2 %A R.S. Wiener %A R.F. Sincovec %T Modular Software Construction and Object Oriented Design Using Modula-2 %J Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 %V 3 %N 3 %D May/June 1984 %P 41-47 %O Contains source code for a tic-tac-toe program. %I West Publishing Co. %C Orem, UT 84057 %L Wie84d %K modula-2 %A G. Williams %T Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 143 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Wil84 %K modula-2 %A N. Wirth %T The Programming Language Pascal %J Acta Informatica %V 1 %D 1971 %P 35-63 %L Wir71a %K pascal %A N. Wirth %T The Design of a Pascal Compiler %J Software Practice and Experience %V 1 %D 1971 %P 309-333 %L Wir71b %K pascal compiler %A N. Wirth %T Modula: a Language for Modular Multiprogramming %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 7 %D 1977 %P 3-35 %L Wir77a %K modula multiprogramming module interface synchronization %A N. Wirth %T The Use of Modula %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 7 %N 1 %D 1977 %P 37-65 %L Wir77b %K modula module interface %A N. Wirth %T Design and Implementation of Modula %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 7 %D 1977 %P 67-84 %L Wir77c %K modula module interface %A N. Wirth %T Toward a Discipline of Real-Time Programming %J Communications of the ACM %V 20 %N 8 %D August 1977 %P 577-583 %L Wir77d %K modula signals %A N. Wirth %T A personal computer designed for use with a high-level language %B Microcomputing %E W. Remmele, H. Schecher %I Teubner-Verlag %C Stuttgart, West Germany %D 1979 %L Wir79a %K modula-2 lilith %A N. Wirth %T The Module: A System Structuring Facility in High-Level Programming Languages %E J.M. Tobias %B Language Design and Programming Methodology. Proceedings of a Symposium %D 10-11 September 1979 %P 1-12 %I Springer Verlag %C Berlin %O The symposium was held in Sydney, Australia. %L Wir79b %K modula-2 %A N. Wirth %T Modula-2 %R Report Nr. 36 %D March 1980 %I ETH Zu\\*:rich, Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik %C Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland %L Wir80 %K modula-2 %A N. Wirth %T The Personal Computer Lilith %R Report Nr. 40 %D 1981 %I ETH Zu\\*:rich, Institut Fu\\*:r Informatik %C Zu\\*:rich, Switzerland %O Also in the \fIProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering\fR, 1981, IEEE Computer Society Press. %L Wir81a %K modula-2 lilith %A N. Wirth %A M. Schindler %T Modula-2 adds concurrency to structured programming %J Electronic Design %V 29 %N 15 %D 23 July 1981 %P 117-122 %L Wir81b %K modula-2 real time %A N. Wirth %T Programming in Modula-2, 2nd Edition %D 1983 %I Springer Verlag %C New York, Heidelberg, Berlin %O ISBN 0-387-12206-0 New York, ISBN 3-540-12206-0 Berlin. %L Wir83 %K modula-2 %A N. Wirth %T History and Goals of Modula-2 %J BYTE %V 9 %N 8 %D August 1984 %P 145-152 %I McGraw-Hill %C Peterborough, NH 03458 %L Wir84 %K modula-2 %A S.J. Young %T Improving the Structure of Large Pascal Programs %J Software - Practice and Experience %V 11 %N 9 %P 913-927 %D September 1981 %O This study describes the language Pascal/M which extends Pascal based on the module structure of Modula. %L You81 %K modula-2 Pascal/M %A S.J. Young %T Real Time Languages - design and development %D 1982 %I Ellis-Horwood Publishers %C Chichester, England %L You82 %K real-time -- Dolf Starreveld Computer Science Department University of Amsterdam The Netherlands {philabs, decvax}!mcvax!uva!dolf