ggr@pyuxbb.UUCP (12/17/83)
A message came through net.micro.pc having the return address: From: "GavinEadie"@UMich-MTS.Mailnet I'd like to know if ".Mailnet" is a legal domain, and if so, how are we supposed to get to it? === Guy Riddle == AT&T Bell Laboratories, Piscataway ===
gds@mit-eddie.UUCP (Greg Skinner) (12/19/83)
To the degree that any domain is legal (besides ARPA), Mailnet is legal. You may reach them (it's really complicated from UUCP, since it involves crossing a couple of internetwork boundaries) by: .....!sri-unix!"Gavan.Eadie%UMich-MTS"@MIT-Multics via ARPA. --greg ...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!gds (uucp) Gds@XX (arpa)