[net.mail] Is there a right way to use map data - answer.

chris@politik.UUCP (Christopher Seiwald) (12/11/84)


I sent out an inquiry over a month ago asking the question "Is there a
right way to use map data?" for mail routing.  That is, how do you
transform the usenet connectivity information distributed in mod.map.news
and mod.map.uucp into a system whereby your machine routes mail addressed 
to "joe@site.uucp" properly.  The problem breaks into two components:

	1) How do you produce routing information from connectivity
	   information in the mod.map data?
	2) How do you get your mailer to use this routing information?

I should add that we are a uucp only 4.2BSD site running sendmail, without
a source license.


Answers were posted to the net and mailed to me.  The general answer is
"not really."  Specific help is available though:

generating path data:
	(PATHALIAS) Peter Honeyman (down!honey) has pathalias, a
	hummdinger of a program which takes connectivity information
	and produces a path database.  Its output is either a dbm
	pair of files or an ascii file with lines of the format
	"xvax        avax!bvax!xvax!%s".  Unfortunately, its input
	is *not* mod.map.news (maybe mod.map.uucp?).  A filter helps.

routing mail:
	(sendmail) Bruce Israel (umcp-cs!israel) suggests rewriting
	sendmail a bit to handle routing as another from address
	rewriting, using a path table.  He has done this.  He has
	not distributed it.

	(mailer) Ray Essick (uiucdcsb!essick) shuns rewriting
	sendmail, favoring a special routing mailer which takes
	the destination host and supplies a path to the actual
	mailer, uux.  This seems like a good idea.  He did not 
	post his mailer, but will if asked.

	(mailer) Mark Horton (cbosgd!mark) of the UUCP project also
	has a routing mailer, called uudom - it understands domains.
	He mentions modifying sendmail.

	(mailer) Robert Elz (mulga!kre) also has a routing mailer.
	He doesn't use it yet, for lack of good map data.

	(MKCON) Piet Beertema (mcvax!piet) has a complete system
	which unbundles the news map files, makes the path table
	and does the rerouting.  Unfortunately, it was a little too
	complicated for me to use, since implementation included
	installing many files, seriously editing sendmail.cf, and
	running programs with much site specific information
	compiled in.


o	Run mod.map.news or mod.map.uucp through pathalias to produce 
	the routing database.  Since the new mod.map.uucp data is not
	out yet, I don't know if pathalias will swallow it whole.  For
	sure, you can take the (minimal) connectivity information in
	mod.map.news and pass it through a filter.

o	Install a routing mailer.   Modify sendmail.cf to use this mailer 
	as your uucp mailer.

I am posting a package to net.sources to help you do all this.  It includes

	-   a simple awk.script to filter mod.map.news for pathalias.
	-   a routing mailer.
	-   a sendmail.cf question and answer sheet.
	-   a makefile to automate building the routing database.

The routing mailer (uuxmail) is a short csh script which takes the
host and user arguments provided by sendmail, looks up host in the
routing database to produce a path, tacks the user name onto that
path, and then hands the result to uux for mailing.  It isn't fancy
but it was easy.

If you need pathalias also, I can send you a copy.
Christopher Seiwald