brian@sdcc3.UUCP (Brian Kantor) (01/22/85)
We here at UCSD are thinking of getting a central machine to serve as the campus news and mail server. We may want to use this system for central news reading, with a server process on it and client processes on all machines where news is being read (i.e., news would not be stored on the other machines on campus, only on the central machine). We are a news and mail backbone site for Southern California, as well as for the 30 or so systems on campus that receive news, and the 50 or so that pass mail. The system would be networked via both ethernet and broadband LAN, and a bank of dialler/modems for off-campus sites. What size machine would be advisable (SUN, Vax 750/780, etc)? What other considerations or problems have/can you see? Your ideas, conjectures, experiences, etc would all be very helpful. MAIL to me and I'll summarize to the net. Brian Kantor UC San Diego decvax\ akgua >--- sdcsvax --- brian ucbvax/ Kantor@Nosc ``You unlock this door with the key of imagination...''