jordan@ucbvax.ARPA (Jordan Hayes) (10/05/85)
In article <5202@allegra.UUCP> jpl@allegra.UUCP (John P. Linderman) writes: >>perhaps this guy would care to know how allegra-land feels about his >>plan to give allegra official status as the uucp route server for >>the atlantic states. >> >> peter > >To take a simple case, when jordan sends mail to peter via >allegra, allegra picks up the mail when polling ucbvax (which lacks >dialout capability) and then calls princeton, which we call on demand. >Allegra pays for two long distance calls, and hayes and honeyman get the >benefits (if any). Sorry to have singled you out, but Honeyman is (again <sigh>) wrong in his assumption that "allegra is the official uucp route server for the atlantic states" ... My point was that from ucbvax's point of view, allegra is the best way to get to .ATL ... now, for other people, seismo might be better ... in any case, the "best" way to get to an area depends on where you are coming from. There are no "official" servers for my scheme to domain uucp. You get there how ever you want, but keep it out of the address. ------------ Jordan Hayes jordan@UCB-VAX.BERKELEY.EDU UC Berkeley ucbvax!jordan +1 (415) 835-8767 37' 52.29" N 122' 15.41" W
gds@mit-eddie.UUCP (Greg Skinner) (10/06/85)
I think it's interesting that examples offered of domain routes are almost identical to those which normal uucp routes already take. I'll bet if allegra took statistics on which destination sites they were relaying mail to, and which source sites the mail was originating from, the destination sites would be those who fall into Jordan's idea of what atl.uucp would be, and the sources would be machines which do not have routes directly to machines in atl.uucp but use allegra as a common mail relayer. Now, what is the *real* issue here? If there is some sort of problem with allegra relaying mail to other sites then maybe we ought to address it, but if there isn't, and since allegra is relaying mail to those sites anyhow, *why not* call the sites which allegra talks to atl.uucp (from ucbvax or any other site's perspective), and address them as such? It's not costing allegra any more money to identify sites it talks to as atl.uucp. -- It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under. Greg Skinner (gregbo) {decvax!genrad, allegra, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds