[net.mail] Irony at seismo

jordan@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU (Jordan Hayes) (09/06/86)

My pal Henry Mensch <henry@athena.mit.edu> writes:

	It's rather ironic that, while the alias SEISMO (for
	SEISMO.CSS.GOV) was decommissioned, the alias SEISMO.ARPA is
	still maintained as a nickname...

Not really -- Rick made a point about this, namely that non-domained
(yes, .ARPA realy is a domain) name in the host table was a
contradiction now that the NIC has stopped supporting OHOSTS.TXT, the
host table for stupid mailers/people that had no dots in it. I agree
with Rick, and am pushing to have all non-domained addresses removed
from HOSTS.TXT ... I hear there will be some more information after the
next task force meeting (october?).
