[net.micro.zx] Help! Do I have a bad 16k RAM pack?

will (09/25/82)

I had a few of those symptoms with my ZX81 when I first
recieved it.  I finally ended up sending it back with the
computer, after having gotten a replacement which did the
same things.  This is probably what you need to do, but
may I suggest the following things:

	* Clean the connection board *
		This could very well be your problem.  Dust it
		off as well as you can, then go over it with a
		typewriter ereaser (NOT a pencil ereaser...I
		used to know why but forgot, something about
		having silicon or something).  If you want, you
		could ask the guy at Radio Shack if he has any-
		thing for it, he probably does.
	* Clean the connections on the RAM pack* (if possible)
		Don't strain yourself for this one, but it
		couldn't hurt to go over them with an airbrush.
	* If you do send it back *
		Mark the back of it with chalk or something to
		see if they send you a new one, or attempt to
		repair it.  Chances are they will throw the old
		one in a box and send a new one.  This info could
		come in handy if you have to yell at the managers.

				Good luck, Will D.