zemon@felix.UUCP (09/05/83)
I have a strange problem with an old Sinclair ZX-81 that I think is a bad ROM. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like it? It there a solution? Note the following program segment. It is the top of the program; there is nothing but REMarks preceding it. 200 LET NRAW = 30 210 LET NWORDS = 300 220 DIM G$(NWORDS, NRAW) 230 DIM R(NRAW) 235 LET T$ = " (I, C, -) " 240 CLS 250 PRINT "string constant" 260 " " " 270 " " 275 " " 280 " " 282 " " 285 PRINT 287 PRINT "string constant" 290 IF INKEY$ = "" THEN GOTO 290 310 FOR A = 1 TO NRAW 320 CLS 330 SCROLL 340 PRINT "BEGINNING GROUP"; A; ... When I run this I get the error message telling me that A has not been initialized at line 340. (I think the message is 2/340.) The really wierd part is that the program runs OK if I remove line 220 (DIM G$(300, 30))! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am on the verge of pitching the whole darn machine and writing the program on something else cheap (maybe a CoCo). -- Art Z. (213)428-1193 evenings ...!{ucbvax, decvax}!trw-unix!felix!zemon