[net.news.config] stolaf link changed

borman (01/10/83)

	Stolaf (St. Olaf College) has had it's news feed changed from
	ihps3 to ihnp4.  As of now, mail will still go in/out through
	the ihps3<->stolaf link, but ihnp4<->stolaf is now our main
	link to the net.  (We still exchange  news & mail with minn-ua
	and exchange mail with harpo.)

	This is also a test article to see if everything is working
	right.  In the past it seems our outgoing news was dying at
	ihps3. Hopefully this is fixed with the change to ihnp4. Please
	respond if you see this article so that I will know that news
	is going out.
				-Dave Borman
				Network Administrator at St. Olaf College