[net.news.config] stolaf <-> ihnp4 broken???

sys (05/10/83)

The mail link from stolaf -> ihnp4 seems to be broken.  Any mail
going from stolaf -> ihnp4 in the past couple of days has died,
but news seems to be flowing just fine.  I hope the situation will
be fixed shortly.  Since mail is broken, if Gary Murakami (gjm@ihnp4)
sees this, could you please see what is wrong?  I've sent letters
to you on other paths, but I don't know if they'll make it.

I assume that this is just a temporary situation, and that it will
be fixed shortly.
			-Dave Borman

gjm (05/11/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/3/83; site mhuxt.UUCP
Posting-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/7/83; site ihnp4.UUCP
Date:Wed, 11-May-83 03:20:13 EDT
Organization:BTL Naperville, Il.

ihnp4 seems to have transient peak load problems.  Most mail seems to
make it through, but I have received a few other reports of failed mail.
If your system happens to connect at the wrong time, you'll probably get
more than one message rejected (this problem looks similar to the
rejected mail from harpo).  We are looking into the problem, and hope to
reallocate resources so that it does not reoccur.

Gary Murakami
Bell Labs - IH