[net.news.config] mail lost at diku - rmail fix/enhancement

keld@diku.UUCP (08/23/83)

'diku' has suffered from a breakdown in the service
of our rmail mailer, i.e. all mail to diku has 
been discarded in the period 28th June - 22nd August 1983.
*Please* *remail* if possible.

This would not have been that serious if the dead.letter feature
of rmail had been an appending one. So to enhance your rmail
(V7 Bellmail) mailer you should open the dead.letter file for appending:
instead as for writing. There is only one 'fopen(dead' in the source.
If something bad happens, you thus might find *all* the missing letters
in /usr/spool/uucp/.XQTDIR/dead.letter

	Keld Simonsen, Institute of Datalogy, Univ. of Copenhagen.